Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
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Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08 6209 total posts
Name: Rafaela
Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
Before I became pregnant I always knew I wanted to deliver my baby via csetion. This was a personal choice for many different reasons which I will not get into. The bottom line is, I feel it's my body and I should have a choice in how I wanted to deliver my baby. When I got pregant I looked for a Dr. who would accomodate my wishes. I found one but wasn't very happy with her so I looked for another Dr. who had a better fit with me. I found another Dr. who was wonderful and supportive of my wishes too. Well that Dr. stopped delievering in 2009 so at 30 weeks pregnant I was at a loss again. I was lucky she recommended her colleague who also had no problem giving me a csection as well.
Well as it turned out, my little boy was breech and I would've had to have a csection anyway. Funny how life turns out! To be honest, the surgery wasn't that bad. The 1st week of recovery was tough but I got through it.
On Monday January 12th I woke up, took a shower, did my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. I got to the hospital about 7:45a.m. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30a.m
I must admit I became very apprehensive at the hospital. I was having second thoughts about the csection and became a little scared. I think what got me thinking too much was the fact that my surgery was running a little late so I had plenty of time to panic laying on that hospital bed. I didn't go in until about 10 a.m
Once of the things I dreaded about the csection was the folie catheder. I asked the nurse if I could have it put in after my spinal. When the nurse came in to put it I asked her but I was shot down. I guess I couldn't have everything I I think that whole catheder thing made me even more upset. I did not want to feel that thing between my legs. And sure enough I was uncomfortable as hell once she put it in.
I walked into the Operating room and I was totally freaked out at that point. I didn't know what to expect with the spinal, but to be honest that was probably the easiest part of the whole procedure. I barely felt it going in and t took less than 1 minute for the anesthesiologist to finish it.
Once the spinal took effect I didn't feel a thing. I don't even knwo when they started to cut me.
The worst part of the surgery was right before my baby came out. I felt a lot of pulling and this huge pressure on my stomach. It was as if I had a huge rock put on top of me. When the baby was out I felt like a ton of bricks had just been removed. I had this surreal feeling.
At 10:35a.m my little boy was out. I don't remember what was said at that point, I think someone said congratulations, then I heard him cry. The tears just kept coming down my face, I thought I was having an out of body experience. This overwhelming feeling came over me, a rush. Something indescribable.
Did I really have a human being inside me? Was I really a mother now? These were the thoughts going through my mind.
They whisked him away and all I could do was watch hopelessly from the operating table. All I wanted to do was hold my baby!!!
I didn not get to see him until about what felt like 10 or 15 minutes or so. My husband brought him over to me but I didn't really see his little face.
They closed me up and took me to the recovery room. A few miutes later I was finally able to hold my baby in my arms. He was the most perfect thing in the world. After all the hurdles it took me to get pregnant, I was finally a mom!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
Rafaela aka Babyonthebrain
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Message edited 2/6/2009 6:49:51 PM.
Posted 2/6/09 4:10 PM |
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
You did great! He's precious!
Posted 2/6/09 4:34 PM |
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
Congrats! What a great story! He is angelic!
Posted 2/6/09 4:48 PM |
My Dream come true!

Member since 12/07 2205 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
CONGRATS!! He is absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing your story. I too am having an elective Csection and it was comforting to read a positive story! Congrats on your little boy!
Posted 2/6/09 6:10 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/08 922 total posts
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
Posted 2/7/09 8:31 AM |
Livin' the Good Life....

Member since 9/06 5939 total posts
Name: Dayna
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
Congrats!!!! He is beautiful!!!
Posted 2/11/09 10:32 AM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Adriano Sebastian 1-12-09
What a great story! Congrats!!!
Posted 2/18/09 9:06 AM |
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