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39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

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Member since 9/05

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39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

So I'm 39w 2d and everyone (including my Drs) had me convinced that I would never make it to 38 weeks based on my advanced maternal age and the fact that our baby was a result of IVF. Well it looks like I'm going to make my DD and maybe even beyond that.

I was a fingertip dilated at 37 and 38 weeks and only a "tight 1cm" 2 days ago and my cervix was still long despite trying EVERYTHING to bring on labor so now my Dr. has mentioned doing an induction next week. My Dr. feels strongly that we have gone through so much to have this baby that he doesn't want me to go beyond 40 weeks as that can cause more complicatons. Even though we really want the baby to be here I dread the thoughts of a failed induction. Has anyone had very little progress before an induction and then delivered successfully vaginally?

Here is my (hopefully) last belly pic taken yesterday at 39w 1d.

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Message edited 10/27/2011 10:35:14 AM.

Posted 10/27/11 10:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

My DD didn't play by the rules either. Have you tried all the "tricks"- spice food, stairs/steps, the birthing ball and sex???? Good luck!

Posted 10/27/11 11:02 AM


Member since 3/09

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Ummm.... AMA and IVF should not make you deliver any earlier.

I was 1 cm dilated & my cervix was not making any progress.... and then my water broke ALL OF A SUDDEN. I had to go on pit... but I did have some of my own contractions after the water break. All happened at 39 weeks exact after a half a glass of WINE & a big juicy steak.

I'd say... wine, sex (if you can) and hang in there.

Posted 10/27/11 11:35 AM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

I am in a similar boat. I am due on Monday, Halloween. I had appt last night and I am a fingertip diliated...same as I was 9 days ago. DD is also very high up. Midwife had to reach to feel her head. I'm crazed because DS was 2 weeks early.

I will share though that with DS I was only a fingertip diliated and my water broke two days later so anything can happen!!!

Good luck!!!

Posted 10/27/11 11:35 AM


Member since 7/08

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

I am now officially on my 2nd overdue DD. first DD was 1 week overdue...ended up having her on the day I was scheduled to be induced-I was only a fingertip until I was 40w2d where I was 1.5-2 cm.

This one...I was 1 cm at 38wk 5 day, and 1.5-2cm at 39wk5d...and now here I am again-my due date was yesterday.

I wouldn't worry too much, you aren't even overdue yet...I am not sure how advanced maternal age effects labor/delivery...but I think since you are already starting to dilate on your own, I would just keep going for long walks everyday-I think this helped with my first.

Posted 10/27/11 11:46 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Posted by nycgirl

Ummm.... AMA and IVF should not make you deliver any earlier.

According to my Dr there are studies that show it does affect the date you deliver vs. when you are due. I'm just going by what I have been told.

Posted 10/27/11 11:54 AM


Member since 9/05

5983 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Posted by addingonemore

My DD didn't play by the rules either. Have you tried all the "tricks"- spice food, stairs/steps, the birthing ball and sex???? Good luck!

Yes! I have tried EVERYTHING. My DH says she's taking after me already by being so stubborn.

Posted 10/27/11 11:55 AM


Member since 9/05

5983 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Posted by Marbo

II would just keep going for long walks everyday-I think this helped with my first.

Thanks. That's what I have been doing since I finished work. I think I will have to walk the mall today. Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/11 11:57 AM


Member since 11/07

3037 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

I don't have any advice, i just wanted to say that you look great and send you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and labor vibes!

Posted 10/27/11 12:04 PM


Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Lots and lots of labor vibes!!
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On a side note, can't belive you are ready already!! So happy for you!1

Posted 10/27/11 12:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

good luck momma!

Posted 10/27/11 12:44 PM

In love with my little man!!

Member since 8/10

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Good Luck
I was induced on my DD - I was only 1cm but I had low fluids.
I went on cervadil(sp) for the 12 hours - after that - I was I believe 3-4cm
I then went on pitocin prob for about 6 hours until my water broke.
I then got an epi (heaven!) and then pushed about 8 hours after my water broke for 10 min!
My induction was very succesful - I had DS exactly 24 hours after everything started.
I was beyond freaked out about being induced - but if I had to I would do it all over again.

Posted 10/27/11 12:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

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Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Good luck and btw you look fantastic!!!!!

Posted 10/27/11 2:06 PM

he is here.. thank you God

Member since 10/07

2344 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

to be honest with you, i 100% agree with your dr about not going over your DD. having gone thru IF myself and being on lovenox, I have a scheduled induction at 39w.

good luck!

Posted 10/27/11 2:22 PM

In love with my Baby Boy

Member since 3/11

2783 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

First you look amazing! You are allll belly.

(((((((((( LABOR VIBES ))))))))))

Posted 10/27/11 3:32 PM


Member since 9/05

5983 total posts


Re: 39 plus weeks and looking for labor vibes - induction being considered!

Thanks for the positive feedback and good luck wishes. Ideally, I want the baby to come when she's ready but I trust the professionals 100%.

Posted 10/27/11 4:28 PM
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