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39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I just left my doc appt. and I'm 2 centimeters dilated. this is my second child.

The doctor didn't seem that phased by it and he knew I was going back to work and didn't tell me not to.

my aunt, who is a nurse and has 4 kids so she does sort of know what she's talking about, said I should go home immediately bc with a 2nd child I can go from 2cm to baby in a very short time.

What do you ladies think? am I crazy for coming back to work? Can't I be 2 cm for a while?

I would love to leave work and make this my last day but I don't want to if I could potentially have another week before the baby comes.

Posted 10/7/14 2:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Only God knows His plan for us

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39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I might go back just for today, but after that I'd start leave. I doubt you have another full week to go, but it's possible. Honestly, it depends on your job, and where you are compared to the hospital, how close DH is. If you start going into labor at work, you don't want to be driving yourself anywhere, so that's just my personal preference. And yes, I've heard the same from many other people with second children and more.

Posted 10/7/14 2:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

If you're not having contractions regularly then I wouldn't worry about it. Is your work far from home and the hospital? That would be the only thing that would make me more likely to make it your last day. I've definitely heard of women being 2 cm for a long time.

Posted 10/7/14 2:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: 39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

Actually my work is closer to the hospital. I guess I would just want time to get things together and spend time with my DD. but i'll just go home as soon as I feel something.

Thanks for your responses.

Posted 10/7/14 2:34 PM

My family is complete

Member since 1/12

2338 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I went from 4cm to her head crowning within 90 minutes with my first, but I was already in the hospital with insane contractions. So yes - you could progress quickly - but like pp said - if you aren't contracting I wouldn't worry.

Posted 10/7/14 2:47 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I wouldn't worry unless you're having contractions.

I'd probably try to work from home until the baby's born though, if that's possible

Posted 10/7/14 2:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

2418 total posts


Re: 39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I was 3cm for 6 weeks with my second. If you're not having contractions I wouldn't make much of it. The hospital likely would not admit you at 2cm unless you were having regular painful contractions. Obviously your body is getting ready, best thing to do is keep moving and be aware of how you feel. Good luck!

Posted 10/7/14 3:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: 39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I was 3 cm from 37 weeks till I delivered at 41 weeks. I have a very physical job and my OB was sure I would go early, nope :)

Posted 10/7/14 8:29 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

Maybe try working from home? I was 2cm at my 36 week appointment, which I had at 36w5d. DS was born just a few days later at 37w2d!

But there really isn't any way to know. My sister was 2cm for like 2 weeks!

Posted 10/7/14 9:20 PM

Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11

6338 total posts


Re: 39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

It's possible to be 2cm and stay at 2cm for weeks. Just keep your hospital bag in the car and ready to go.

Posted 10/8/14 7:39 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/13

639 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

I was 2cm at 36 weeks.. and I was a week late.. I went to the dr at 41 w for an exam the night before my induction.. I was still only 2 cm. I went into labor 4 hours later.. after 1 hour went to the hospital and was 7 cm.. so you can stay 2 cm for a long time and things can also change quickly.. bc I experienced both!! This was with my first pregnancy too..

Posted 10/8/14 11:53 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

at my 38 week appt with my second, i was 1.5cm. At my 40 week appt, I was still 1.5cm. 12 hours later i was in labor and when i got to the hospital i was 7cm

Posted 10/8/14 12:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11

702 total posts


Re: 39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

My first was four days early so I expected my second to be early too. At 36 weeks I was 60% effaced and 2cm dilated so I went straight home and packed my bag but didn't change my schedule, thank goodness. I progressed at every single appointment but ended up being induced at 41 weeks because she was just fine in there. You can't plan. I would work until I was definitely in labor if I were you.

Posted 10/8/14 3:09 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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39 w 3 days and 2 cm dilated

It could mean nothing, honestly. I was 2cm for 3 weeks and still had to be induced. I wouldn't be concerned unless you have contractions.,

Posted 10/9/14 8:39 PM

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