I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Abigail's Birth on February 23, 2009
My due date was February 13th and when Abby didn't arrive, I was getting anxious...I knew first time moms often went past their due date, but after each exam there was no progress, which left me feeling down. My induction date was set for February 27th with me going to the hospital on the 26th to begin Cervadil.
Fortunately, Abby had other plans and I never made it to my induction date.
On Saturday, the 21st, I began having contractions. At some point we began timing them and they were not quite close enough or strong enough, but I knew something was "up." I called my doctor and she said to wait it out.
In the evening, through contractions, my husband and I decided to go out to dinner- This was interesting, since the contractions were getting stronger by this point. People sitting next to us laughed and said that they didn't think I would last the night...I am glad we got out to eat...and then even stopped at coldstone for ice cream.
I was never really able to eat my ice cream though becauase by the time I got home the contractions were much quicker and stronger. I showered and tried to rest- called my parents to come to CT (from LI).
At 3:00am, DH and I decided that we would go to the hospital. They were coming 4-5 minutes apart and were strong.
We got to the hospital and they put me with the triage nurses. I was examined and I was only 2cm dilated. I hadn't slept at all... I was exhausted and in pain. They had me hooked up to monitors but the contractions were spacing out to 7-8 minutes apart. They gave me a morphine drip (which I originally said no to) in order to take the edge off the pain and to get some rest.
At 11:00am they sent me home to labor and rest...
On the way home, I threw up 2x- I was so nervous but they reassured me and said it was not from labor- it was from the morphine.
I stayed at home longer than anyone ever expected me to- doctor called me, gave me some suggestions. I was able to eat lightly...take a hot bath... try to rest...walked around my house a zillion times...
At 6:00pm we knew it was time. Contractions were every 2-3 minutes and were REALLY strong.
Once I got the hospital, they put me right in a labor room. The resident doctor came to examine me and I was 4cm dilated. It was time 
I walked around as much as I could with the help of DH, mom, and MIL.
DH was incredible in every way possible throughout the entire process...I stillam in awe at how amazing he really was.
Anyway- hours later I was able to finally get an epidural. MIRACLE DRUG! It was no painful to get- just holding still throughout contractions was difficult. Then, I labored for 4 hours before feeling the urge to push.
At one point my doctor mentioned a Csection because Abby's heartbeat was dropping... but they moved her around a bit and monitored her internally and it went up again.
Doctor said she would check me at 3am but I never made it. I began pushing at 2:40 and Abby was born at 3:40am.
The worse part about delivering Abby was when she was crowning- the nurse told me not to push anymore until the doctor arrived- This was an incredible task since all I wanted and needed to do was push. I was BEGGING for the doctor- it felt like forever before she came.... But, she finally did and a few pushes later Abby arrived.
It was the most amazing moment of my life!
Unfortunately, I had a partial third degree tear which meant lots of stitches ...and they are painful- BUT it was all worth it .
Overall, it was such a positive labor and delivery process- long but manageable. I had wonderful nurses in the hospital- I didn't want to leave!
I miss being pregnant and I miss my belly but having Abigail here with us is such a miracle!
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: Abigail's Birth on February 23, 2009
Congrats It sounds like you labored very well. Enjoy your new bundle of joy
His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06 2902 total posts
Name: Patricia
Re: Abigail's Birth on February 23, 2009
Awww... congrats! Thanks for sharing your story.