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3D Sono

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/07

692 total posts


3D Sono

Do you think it's worth it to have them done?

I had a horrible experience with my Level II, it wasn't enjoyable at all and I only got 1 stinking photo of my baby..soooo fuming. So DH and I have been thinking about going to Impact Medical Tech to have a 3D/4D sono done.

Any advice? Waste of money? (It's $150).


Posted 10/9/08 11:20 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/07

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Re: 3D Sono

We enjoyed it, it was worth the money for us. Pics are in my album.Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/08 12:54 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

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Baby Momma

Re: 3D Sono

I have fantastic pictures. See my album...not a waste for us....

Message edited 10/9/2008 12:55:24 PM.

Posted 10/9/08 12:55 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

WOW - those pics are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted 10/9/08 1:01 PM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

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Re: 3D Sono

two of my girlfriends had the 3d done and loved it and thought it was worth every penny.

we are going to do this as well!

Posted 10/9/08 1:59 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: 3D Sono

my girlfriend had it done, but the baby was uncooperative, so they didn't even get to see the baby's face

Posted 10/9/08 2:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/07

692 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Posted by nicknmb

my girlfriend had it done, but the baby was uncooperative, so they didn't even get to see the baby's face

Aww..that stinks! Was she able to do it over?

I feel better that I'm doing it now! Thanks ladies.

Posted 10/9/08 2:56 PM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

We are not doing it. I think the pics are great but not necessary.

Posted 10/9/08 2:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/08

186 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Absolutely! I enjoyed it and now I have the pictures on a CD and a DVD of him inside me that I can show him when he is older. I mainly went to confirm the sex and because my sono tech is so fast I never really get to enjoy seeing my baby.

Posted 10/9/08 3:05 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Another take...I am not a fan of them. I would not have one done. And my dr who is very easy going says he isn't a fan of them either since they are purely for enjoyment and they are very high powered sonos. I agree with him, that's JMO.

Message edited 10/9/2008 3:37:07 PM.

Posted 10/9/08 3:34 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

It's a personal choice.

I do not like them, I feel like the baby never looks 'right' and that bothers me. I'm not sure why really, I KNOW it's a sono and that baby is kind of squished in there w/ a bunch of fluid ........but I kind of get the creeps from the pictures regardless -

So I have no interest, if DH really wants to do it, I'll go along though -

Posted 10/9/08 3:40 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Posted by MarisaK

It's a personal choice.

I do not like them, I feel like the baby never looks 'right' and that bothers me. I'm not sure why really, I KNOW it's a sono and that baby is kind of squished in there w/ a bunch of fluid ........but I kind of get the creeps from the pictures regardless -


ITA with this. I also feel this way and feel it's sort of invasive to the baby. Meaning the baby just wants to be left alone in there, and we are pushing our way in. I just don't feel it's natural or necessary. And also, I know I would be afraid I would see something I thought looked odd and it might creep me out for the rest of the pg. So I will leave baby's face to the imagination until the DD.

Posted 10/9/08 3:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/07

692 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MarisaK

It's a personal choice.

I do not like them, I feel like the baby never looks 'right' and that bothers me. I'm not sure why really, I KNOW it's a sono and that baby is kind of squished in there w/ a bunch of fluid ........but I kind of get the creeps from the pictures regardless -


ITA with this. I also feel this way and feel it's sort of invasive to the baby. Meaning the baby just wants to be left alone in there, and we are pushing our way in. I just don't feel it's natural or necessary. And also, I know I would be afraid I would see something I thought looked odd and it might creep me out for the rest of the pg. So I will leave baby's face to the imagination until the DD.

I'm a little confused about the "invasive" part..don't they just go over the belly with that gel stuff? If this is an internal sonogram, I don't think I want it done. But I thought they do it the same way you would get it done at your dr's office. Not to mention, by the time we finish with all our appointments, the babies have been poked, prodded, tested, moved around..etc. anyway...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/08 3:54 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: 3D Sono

Posted by mindygirl73

I'm a little confused about the "invasive" part..don't they just go over the belly with that gel stuff? If this is an internal sonogram, I don't think I want it done. But I thought they do it the same way you would get it done at your dr's office. Not to mention, by the time we finish with all our appointments, the babies have been poked, prodded, tested, moved around..etc. anyway...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Not invasive meaning internally, but invasive in a sense of they have to use higher powered machine to see something our normal sonos don't see. I read in my pg book that if you shine a flashlight on your belly, the baby will move to avoid the light. The baby is used to a dark place, so I feel odd about introducing so much light into it's own private "space", for fun, not for medical reasons.

To each is own, just giving MO on why I am not doing one. But many people do of course, it's up to you and your dr. Chat Icon

(ETA - Actually, I should have used the word "Intrusive". That's what I really meant.)

Message edited 10/9/2008 10:32:49 PM.

Posted 10/9/08 4:05 PM

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