3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05 421 total posts
Name: Amy
3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
Asking another question for a friend, she wants to put her daughter in teh Peg Pliko stroller at 3 months without the car seat. her daughter has been getting rashes and the doctor suggested to keep her out of the car seat if she isn't driving for now. I had put my son in it at 3 months, but used blankets to prop him up etc.
anty suggestions? has anyone done this?
Posted 6/14/07 9:26 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: 3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
I have the Pliko and had Molly in it at that age. It reclines all the way back, so I would always just have it reclined.
Posted 6/14/07 9:40 AM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: 3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
I had DS in the Pliko by that age...she should be fine
Posted 6/14/07 9:47 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05 421 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: 3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
she said she tried it but her head seemed to be bobbling around. Did you use anything to support her head?
Posted 6/14/07 9:51 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: 3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
My DD was too much a peanut at 3 months old to be in the Pliko. It has a decent recline, but not totally flat like my other stroller.
I couldn't put her in there til she was around 6 months old and had better head control.
Maybe she can try one head positioners for carseats-only prob is that in the Pliko, it would be a bit a challenge to get it to stay since the shoulder straps aren't attached to the seat.
Posted 6/14/07 10:08 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06 614 total posts
Name: Nate
Re: 3month old in Pliko stroller w/o car seat?
DD was very small and I put her in her Pliko. I reclined it, put just the waist strap on her and put a folded cloth diaper behind her head to protect from the harness clip thing.
Posted 6/14/07 3:59 PM |
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