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3rd pregnancy and feeling yuck TMI

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

186 total posts


3rd pregnancy and feeling yuck TMI

Well, we certainly were not planning for a 3rd so soon, but we are happy!!! I have 2 DD's and I never really felt sick or had much morning sickness. When I wake up in the morning I feel like I have so much mucus in my throat and then proceed to gag and throw up, and when I throw up it is mucus and orange bile. SORRY TMI, but I dont know how else to explain it. Is this normal. I'm 9 weeks.

Posted 11/25/08 10:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: 3rd pregnancy and feeling yuck TMI

sounds like morning sickness to me... i'm sorry Chat Icon

for most women it only lasts through the first tri - hopefully you'll feel better soon! Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/08 10:47 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: 3rd pregnancy and feeling yuck TMI

sounds normal to me. The color can just be what you ate that day or vitamin?

I had really bad m/s with first pregnancy until week 16 and only slight naseau with second pregnancy from week 9-11.

Posted 11/25/08 10:49 AM


Member since 3/06

4749 total posts


Re: 3rd pregnancy and feeling yuck TMI

I have been feeling awful the past few days. I'm six weeks and every morning I wake up and dry heave into the toilet. No matter what I do I can't throw up, its so annoying. The queasiness lasts until lunchtime and then picks up again after dinner. I can't wait for it to go away.

Posted 11/25/08 11:02 AM

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