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3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

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Member since 6/06

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3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

So, what happens at your doctor's appointments?

My last appointment was at 32 weeks, 6 days. I went in and gave urine, they weighed me and then the doctor came in. She listened to the heartbeat on the doppler and measured my belly. I asked her some questions about my back and hands and she just told me "that's normal".

I don't have another appointment until 35 weeks, 6 days. I feel like my appointments are spaced really far apart still and that she isn't checking me for anything.

Now, I am not asking for internals or anything, I know they don't usually start until around 36 weeks, I just am feeling like my doctor is a little bit lax and that something could be going on and we'd have no idea.


Posted 3/27/07 9:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

Mine were the same, nothing too much at all, in and out appts. My doc doesn't even do urine tests at each appt.

I didn't start getting poked and prodded down there until 36 weeks when my appts went to weekly.

Hang in there-sometimes no news is good newsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: what do you want them to check for? I am just curious...

Message edited 3/27/2007 9:23:06 AM.

Posted 3/27/07 9:21 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

My next appointment will be next week. I'll be 31 weeks. I just started going every 3 weeks now and when I hit 36 I'll start going every week. I don't get anything "major" checked either. Just the heartbeat and measurements.

Yes, they're very lax until you get closer. I'll have another sono to check the position of the baby at 36 weeks.

Posted 3/27/07 9:27 AM


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

Mine are the same. I have sonos every other week and have to review my sugar numbers with her due to the GD.

When the internals start they will be checking your cervix and for dialation etc.

If there was reason for concern your doc would be all over you.

Posted 3/27/07 9:31 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

Mine are every two weeks - they have been since week 30.

It's just like you described. They take a urine sample, weigh me, measure me, listen to the HB, take my BP and send me on my way.

It's just tracking. At 36 weeks I start weekly visits.

I sometimes feel a little Chat Icon with it, but they tell me it's normal.

I am surprised at whomever said they don't do the urine test on you - that's one of the key things according to my doctor. It checks for proteins that could indicate preeclampsia.

It so odd how each doctor is different.

Posted 3/27/07 9:39 AM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

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Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

mine are pretty much exactly what you describe. I have my 35 week appt next tuesday and i'll have a growth sono - then I'll go every week and I imagine there will be internals, etc.

Posted 3/27/07 9:41 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

Posted by sweetness

ETA: what do you want them to check for? I am just curious...

Check really is the wrong word. I just have people telling me that they should be checking to see if I am dilated, blah, blah, blah.

So I was curious as to what other people were having done.

Usually I would totally agree with the "no news is good news" theory, but twice now I have had experiences with her where I was operating under that assuption and I was wrong, but she didn't call eitherChat Icon

Posted 3/27/07 10:05 AM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

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Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

I have high BP, so I was at the dr more often than anyone!
I was every 2 weeks until the end, then I went every week.
My appt consisted of weight, blood pressure, urine. Then, one afternoon I fell right on my belly and dr started hooking me up to the monitor every week

Posted 3/27/07 11:32 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

My last few appt have been 3 weeks apart. I have one tonight (I am 34 wks today), so we'll see!

All appts (aside from growth sono and such) have been just weighing, heartbeat and feeling the outside of my tummy.

Posted 3/27/07 11:45 AM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

me to... i start weeklys a week from today with the internals......... so it will be 36 weeks for me as well!

Posted 3/27/07 11:51 AM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

2064 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

With my first, all of my appts. where blood was not taken were fairly simple. I actually never had an "internal." [I don't even know what that is!] I have begun going every 2 weeks solely because they forgot to do my glucose test 2 weeks ago so now I'll be every 2 weeks.Chat Icon

Truthfully, I don't want them down there all the time...sometimes my appts. are later in the day when I haven't had time to "freshen up" as opposed to early in the morning when I'm still fresh from my shower!Chat Icon

Posted 3/27/07 12:14 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: 3rd Trimester Ladies--Dr Question

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by sweetness

ETA: what do you want them to check for? I am just curious...

Check really is the wrong word. I just have people telling me that they should be checking to see if I am dilated, blah, blah, blah.

So I was curious as to what other people were having done.

Usually I would totally agree with the "no news is good news" theory, but twice now I have had experiences with her where I was operating under that assuption and I was wrong, but she didn't call eitherChat Icon

I totally understand your concern thenChat Icon
I would be the same
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/27/07 12:34 PM

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