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4 weeks old - sleep habits?

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2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06

1874 total posts


4 weeks old - sleep habits?

Do 4 week olds have sleep habits? DS won't sleep in the bassinet. He'll only sleep in the swing or the car seat.

DH got him into the habit of sleeping on his chest during the day. I don't know if he is sleeping too much during the day (is there such a thing?) but he goes to sleep very late at night - 12 or 1 am. After that, he wakes every 3 hours to feed, sometimes more often.

After 3 am it is hard to get him back to sleep and after 6 am, he is AWAKE.

What should a newborn's sleep schedule be like? How much should they sleep during the day? Should they have a "routine"? Should I try keeping him awake more during the day?

Sorry for all the questions! I don't know what I'm doing!

Posted 9/6/07 1:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

He is way too young for any schedule...but it will get better.
DS only slept in his papasan seat in the beginning and then he went to the crib.

I really tried to distingusih day and night for him. During the day the TV and lights were on...and night everything was quiet and dark. After a while he caught on.

Also, we swear by the Swaddle Me blanket--he loves it and sleeps long in it

Posted 9/6/07 1:31 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

Well I dont have a definitive answer, but I can tell you that my 5 week old does not have a scheduale but I am starting to see a pattern day to day. At night she sleeps from about 9-1am then 1:30-6am which I am happy with. But during the day is another story, she only wants to sleep in my arms, if put her down she wakes up within minutes. She seems to do better if I take her out for walks in the carriage. But on average she sleeps for about 2 hours then up for 1 hour and back to sleep during the day.

Posted 9/6/07 1:32 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

My guy is doing well with the Miracle Blanket. (He'll be 3 weeks tomorrow) I bought mine off of Amazon, but I hear that Buy Buy Baby has them. He wakes up once to feed per night. I hope it stays this way.

Posted 9/6/07 1:34 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

Jeffrey is 5 weeks old and I have him on a loosly defined schedule. Like someone else posted I try to differentiate between night and day feedings. At night I leave the lights off and just use the nightlight. I also use my soft soothing night time voice instead of the more animated daytime voice. DS is really alert at his 6 am feeding and stays that way until about noon when he has his nap until about 2:30 or 3. He is then up again untill his 9 pm bath and feeding. He gets up at about 2 am for a middle of the night feed. Last night he was up from 2 am - 4 am and really alert - I had a harder time getting him to sleep than normal.

Posted 9/6/07 2:20 PM

2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06

1874 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

Posted by curley999

Well I dont have a definitive answer, but I can tell you that my 5 week old does not have a scheduale but I am starting to see a pattern day to day. At night she sleeps from about 9-1am then 1:30-6am which I am happy with. But during the day is another story, she only wants to sleep in my arms, if put her down she wakes up within minutes. She seems to do better if I take her out for walks in the carriage. But on average she sleeps for about 2 hours then up for 1 hour and back to sleep during the day.

DS is the same way during the day! I can't put him down for a minute!

Your baby sleeps longer at night. Are you formula feeding? Is so, would you mind telling me how much she takes at each feeding?

Posted 9/6/07 2:23 PM

2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06

1874 total posts


Re: 4 weeks old - sleep habits?

thanks for the info ladies! I have the papasan seat (still in the box) and a miracle blanket - maybe I'll try them. I also have a pack and play that I haven't taken out yet.

where does your DC sleep?

Posted 9/6/07 2:26 PM

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