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40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

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LIF Adult

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40 weeks pregnancy too short!!


I was over on the pregnancy board and I smile when I see some of the moms to be freaking cause their due date has passed and still nothing or they are not due yet but want it to be over with sooner than later.

I was wondering if any of you moms didnt want the pregnancy to end. I know when I was 37 weeks people used to say to me " oh you must be so thrilled to be getting near the end" and no I wasnt..I really could have gone another 10 weeks.....unfortunately I had to be induced at 38 weeks so my time was even shorter than anticipated.

Am I the only nut who loved being pregnant and wished for a longer incubation period for DCChat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 8:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

Yes, I felt the same way and I made it to 40 weeks + 2 days. I never really reached the "I'm so done" phase. Part of it was I loved being pregnant, the other part was I had no experience with babies and wasn't so anxious to start Chat Icon

Ironically, now that I'm pregnant again, I'm like, "Do I have to do it all over again?!" I'm sure though, that once I get in full swing again, I'll love it just as much as the first time around... only with much less relaxation!!

Posted 9/19/06 8:48 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I also didn't want it to end. I delievered at 39weeks and feel like I am owed at least another week. DH on the other hand couldnt wait for Luka to come out.

Posted 9/19/06 9:03 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

ME, ME, ME! I was not ready for the pregnancy to end at all. Not that I didn't want to meet my little one but I loved being pregnant and mourned it when it was over.

Posted 9/19/06 9:09 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I was shorted from my first pregnancy at 34 weeks so afterwards I missed the kicks but that's about it.

For my second pregnancy, I gave birth at 39 weeks --- and I was ready. I assumed I'd go late since I was so high. I remember thinking "This 3rd trimester 5ucks. This is what they were all complaining about!"

Posted 9/19/06 9:23 PM

My princess!

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

For me..I was so scared of labor and delivery that I didnt care how long pregnancy lasted. I also was cheated out of 11 days since she was early.

Posted 9/19/06 10:13 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I am laughing to myself (insert laugh here) because I can quite clearly remember my 42nd week of pregnancy, and I wish I had another week. If I had that extra week I would sleep some more. And eat out some more. And enjoy feeling that baby moving around in my tum....

Ah well, family legend says that my sister was 6 weeks late....

Posted 9/19/06 10:32 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I had a great pregnancy, so I couldn't complain. However, once I was late, I really just wanted the baby to come out. I kept thinking, all the baby is doing at this point is getting bigger, and that made me nervous. Of course I was right, because he was born 8 days late at 9 lbs, 7 oz.

Posted 9/19/06 10:43 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I didn't want it to end. It was nice getting all the attention. Now you are old news and it's all about the baby...LOL

I was 9 days late and at that point I was nervous thinking that the baby was getting bigger and bigger each day I was late. But he was born 6lbs. 12 1/2 ounces.

Now my little bean weighs 12 lbs 5 ounces at 3 and a half months old...

DH used to call him a peanut and now he's like "I can't call you a little peanut anymore"...

Posted 9/19/06 10:56 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

When I was pregannt with Patrick I could of stayed pregnant. I LOVED it!!
When it was with my girls I seem to feel fine & was just sick of spending hours at the doctors every few days

Posted 9/20/06 7:29 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

I was preggo 41 weeks and loved every minute of it. I was glad to have my body back though....well kinda back Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/06 7:44 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: 40 weeks pregnancy too short!!

Posted by beachgirl13

I had a great pregnancy, so I couldn't complain. However, once I was late, I really just wanted the baby to come out. I kept thinking, all the baby is doing at this point is getting bigger, and that made me nervous. Of course I was right, because he was born 8 days late at 9 lbs, 7 oz.

thats how I feel - and honestly, I thin we can't control our feelings....its hard when you aren't in the other's shoes Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/06 8:04 AM

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