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Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Liam Thomas- 6/14/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Okay here goes!!
My 54 hours of induced labor!!
I was dealing with gestational hypertension and classic signs of pre-eclampsia, although my lab work was normal. Two different docs (Madonna Perinatal and Dr. Hsu of NUMC, who I saw for a second opinion) and my midwife recommended an induction at somewhere around 37 weeks. I started taking Evening Primrose Oil to ripen my cerviix. Well, 2 days before I hit that point I went to Madonna Perinatal for my bi-weekly NST and BPP and all the drama began.
Monday: At Madonna my BP was really, super, high ( I can't remember the number). They put me on the monitors and I was having painless BH contractions every 2-3 minutes. Well, at that point a call was made to my midwife. It was decided rather quickly that it wasn't safe to continue with the pregnancy any futher and that an induction would probably work tonight because of the contractions. Soooo, off to NUMC I headed. By the time I got there my pressures were above like 155/105 and the contraction had started to hurt. Not bad though. I was laughing and talking through them. They were pretty regular and they were unable to give my cytotec to ripen my cervix because I was having too many contractions and it would hyperstimulate me. I was only a fingertip dialated and 50% effaced. So, they decided to let me contract through the night and see what happened with those contractions.
Tuesday: I got zero sleep and I woke up to find... no change. But, I was still contracting so they started me on a low dose of pitocin. They upped it by 2 every half hour. I only got to 10, a very low dose, before the baby started have heart rate drops after some of the contractions. When they lowered it... the heart rates were okay.. but, the contractions got much less painful and spread out. We did that all day. Up and down. Up and down. I only progressed to 1 cm. because, my cervix wasn't ready for pitocin.
Eventually they decided to do one last try at upping the Pit and the baby showed a bunch of "lates" (heart rate drops after the contraction). It was decided that if the baby couldn't handle these Pit contractions, he would never be able to get me to a higher level and they would never be able to induce full labor.
So, they called for a section. I was really upset but, I was also so tired, as it was past the 24 hour point, with no food, no sleep. So I agreed, we called everyone and got ready for the section.
Well, then, the WONDERFUL Dr. Hsu pops in and says "No section". These "lates" are not showing up frequent enough and you need to give an early induction for a first time Mom at least 2-3 days. We were all shocked to hear the midwives calling for a section and the doc opposing it!!! After some tears and a lot of explanations and planning I agreed with him as did the rest of my "team".
So, they stopped the Pit and decided to do a Foley Balloon Catheter in my cervix. You can do this if you are 1 cm or more dialated. Basically, they use a catheter to insert a balloon through your cervix into the uterus, just below the membranes. They fill the balloon with saline fluid and hang it through your cervix. There is a string attached to it that comes out and gets taped to your leg with some tension. Once the balloon falls out, you are 4cm dialted. Then, they can rupture your membranes or start Pit. Usually, Pit is given at a very low dose with the balloon but, since my baby wasn't tolerating it at this point.. we didn't want to do that for me.
I felt so excited by this glimmer of hope. But, It turns out I was only dialted to 1 cm on the outside of my cervix and not the inside. They tried to insert this balloon for about 20 minutes. and let me tell you I was seeing STARS... They had to stop. It just wouldn't go through my cervix.
So, feeling very upset they decided to get me a shower, give me a sleeping pill and see, again, what my natural contractions started doing.
Wednesday: Late in the night, they woke me to tell me that my contractions had fizzled out and they were able to now start inserting the cytotex (same kind of thing as cervidal except it has a higher chance of stimulating labor contractions along with ripening your cervix) So, they inserted and checked me in 4 hours, 3 times. By the time they finished the 3rd dose I was at 2 cms and 70% effaced and having some nice contractions again!
They were then able to successfully put the balloon in They never gave me any more Pit. In about an hour and a half the balloon fell out while I was peeing in the bathroom I'm not gunna lie.. it was very crampy the whole time it was in. So crampy that I couldn't feel the "strong contractions" that the monitor showed I was having. I also used a bunch of homeopathic stuff that my midwife gave me. I know that one was Belladonna.. but, the other two, I can't remember. But, at the point that it fell out... I WAS 4 CMS!! Finally some progress. This was about 6pm. They broke my water and I started hard labor right away on my own!!!!!!!!!
They started off pretty intense but, I used the techinques I learned in my Bradley class to the best of my ability, being that I was strapped to monitors in bed. Postioning and too much movement was pretty much impossible. But, I was allowed bathroom rights since I wasn't on Pit. After each bathroom trip I was allowed off the monitor for a while to stand and do some of the standing techniques that Dh and I learned. I like the dancing one the best. My midwives (Gaia midwifery) were amazing. I started out the first 36 hours with Susan Brockmann by my side every minute. Then Dale Cook came to relieve her for the second part. They are working with a new midwife Julie Toner and she was in and out the whole time also. Each of them were so valuable to me for thier own techniques and personalities.
But, the hero, was my Dh. Once Hard Labor started he was there to anticipate my every need. Bradley Classes taught him so much. He was abe to take the lessons we learned and adapt them to be used in our "more medical childbirth scene" He was really amazing!
That part of labor.. NO JOKE!! I mean it was bad. I vomited the whole time. Really vomited a lot. But, in the end that hard wretching was what helped move the baby down. He was still really high up when they broke my water.
I started begging for drugs during transition.. At least I thought I was begging. In my mind I was screaming like a lunatic. Of course I didn't know that I was in transition. DH and my Mom said that, in reality, I quietly asked for them like twice.. But, once you are in transition you are sooo close to the end. They wouldn't have been able to even give me an epi because, the labor was too fast at that point.
So around Midnight, I started to push.. The midwives were like.. What are you doing?? They didn't believe it was time yet. They all thought it would take me so long to get to that point since it took me two days to progress 1 cm.
I honestly couldn't control the urge to push. I wasn't even trying. My body was just doing it and I couldn't stop it. They told me to try to go to the bathroom. I told them I couldn't because I would have the baby in the toilet. Clearly, they did not believe it was time to push. So, I went to the bathroom with my midwife and when she saw how hard I was pushing.. she believed me.
I was fully dialated and was allowed to push. It took almost 2 hours. He was still really high up. Everyone was convinced he had the cord wrapped around something. At one point he got stuck with his head halfway out for a long time.. OMG OUCH!! It was awful. I was begging for an episotomy and they were discussing actually giving it to me. He was stuck for a long time. I had no energy left to push. But, With some "not so gentle" encouragement.. I pushed through it and I got to meet my baby. Turns out he had a super duper short cord. They couldn't even place him on my chest! So that's why he was so high up and that's why he took so long to push out!
1:26 am I delivered my beautiful son!!! Liam Thomas. No epidural!!!! He is a teeny tiny peanut. 5 lbs. 15 oz and 19 inches long. But, he is honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever set eyes on!
Disclaimer: For someone who wanted a water birth.. and induction was so upsetting to me. I knew it was for the best for me and the baby but, I was scared to death of the Pit and really sad to give up my dream for natural childbirth. I can only thank God that baby didn't tolerate it and that my wonderful Midwives and Dr. Hsu found other ways to induce my labor.
So without further ado.. Here is the most beautiful thing that I ever created.
My son Liam Thomas!!
Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 7/14/2011 9:47:12 AM.
Posted 5/16/09 6:43 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
This third picture is the Moment that I asked my BFF Lisa (Lesse on LIF) to be Liam's Godmother.. I made her cry!
The 4th picture.. His coming home outfit.. You think my milk is coming in??? Image Attachment(s):
Posted 5/16/09 8:34 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
I think his face says... "Mom, why did you dress me like a sissy?"
And the last picture.. The new family on the way home!
Image Attachment(s):
Posted 5/16/09 8:36 PM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Wow! What an experience you had! I am so glad that little Liam is here and you both are doing well. Thank you for sharing your story with us. He is adorable!
Posted 5/16/09 8:48 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Wow 54 hours of labor! You are a champion! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son Liam Thomas.
Posted 5/16/09 8:56 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Congratulations on the birth of your son!You did so amazing, what a long labor and with no pain medication!
Posted 5/16/09 8:56 PM |
Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
COngrats he is beautiful!!!
What is is with these "natural chicks" nad getting the longest labors EVER....
Hah we are labor buddies now. Mine was also 54 hours!!
CONGRATS mamma he is beautiful!
Posted 5/16/09 8:58 PM |

Member since 5/08 1814 total posts
Name: T
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Congratulations again on your beautiful son. So happy to hear that Bradley paid off!
Posted 5/16/09 9:18 PM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Since I was following your labor text by text, I can truly say to you that you are such an inspiring women! You endured so much but in the end your little Liam was the biggest prize you could have asked for!
Liam is absolutely adorable Enjoy every second being home with him & being a mommy!!
Posted 5/16/09 10:17 PM |
Mommy of 2!
Member since 12/08 11013 total posts
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Congrats on making it through 54 hours of labor!! Congrats on your beautiful son!!
Posted 5/16/09 10:25 PM |
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
I want to kiss your dr that stopped the section! He rocks! You did an incredible job. I'm another drug free birth mommy and I know it's NOT easy! Be darn proud of yourself, I know you are!
OMG you made me so pysched for my Sept birth. As painful as it is, I love feeling everything! Ok- I take that back, I don't love feeling the pain, I love child birth itself. It's an amazing amazing experience!!!! I do a dance move too but I never took a Bradley class. I just did it on my own. My DH laughs when I do it but it helps me get through the contraction. I am so curious what dance moves they teach.
Ps you look DARN GOOD to be in labor for 2 over days! Happy Birthday Liam Thomas- I love his name!
......As you just found out- he is the ultimate expression of love!
Message edited 5/16/2009 10:30:26 PM.
Posted 5/16/09 10:27 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Posted by Cakes
I want to kiss your dr that stopped the section! He rocks! You did an incredible job. I'm another drug free birth mommy and I know it's NOT easy! Be darn proud of yourself, I know you are!
OMG you made me so pysched for my Sept birth. As painful as it is, I love feeling everything! Ok- I take that back, I don't love feeling the pain, I love child birth itself. It's an amazing amazing experience!!!! I do a dance move too but I never took a Bradley class. I just did it on my own. My DH laughs when I do it but it helps me get through the contraction. I am so curious what dance moves they teach.
Ps you look DARN GOOD to be in labor for 2 over days! Happy Birthday Liam Thomas- I love his name!
......As you just found out- he is the ultimate expression of love!
It's not really a move. It was just Stephen and I standing as if we were dancing. I put all my weight on him like a ragdoll and I moved my hips in a circle and/or swayed back and forth. It really helped!
Posted 5/16/09 10:31 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Posted by Blissful
COngrats he is beautiful!!!
What is is with these "natural chicks" nad getting the longest labors EVER....
Hah we are labor buddies now. Mine was also 54 hours!!
CONGRATS mamma he is beautiful!
That's just because most medical professionals would have given up on our labors way earlier! Even my midwives did. Thank god for the doctor that knew I could do it when no one else did!!!
Posted 5/16/09 10:32 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Posted by Kissy331
Since I was following your labor text by text, I can truly say to you that you are such an inspiring women! You endured so much but in the end your little Liam was the biggest prize you could have asked for!
Liam is absolutely adorable Enjoy every second being home with him & being a mommy!!
Thanks! Your updating was awesome! I am so over the moon happy.. and tired!!! I wonder how long before I feel better from that??
Posted 5/16/09 10:33 PM |
Loving My 2 Babies

Member since 8/08 1193 total posts
Name: Kenzie
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Posted 5/16/09 10:35 PM |
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Congratulations! You did a wonderful job!
Posted 5/17/09 12:02 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
tricia he is absolutely gorgeous, and you look fantastic! holy cow mama!
Posted 5/17/09 8:23 AM |
2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
such sweet pictures - congratulations on your new baby boy and hope your recovery is quick!!
Posted 5/17/09 9:20 AM |
My little pumpkin is here!!!!

Member since 10/08 3369 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
OMG what an amazing story!! I cant believe what you went thru and how successful you were. Its truly an amazing story. Liam is gorgeous!
Posted 5/17/09 10:12 AM |

Member since 4/07 7631 total posts
Name: PrayingWishingHopingALOT
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
What a labor story and i give you so much credit!!!!! You are a champ!!!!
Liam is sooo adorable and you look soooo awesome for someone that went thru 54 hours of labor!!!
Congratulations and the best of luck to your new family!
Posted 5/17/09 10:29 AM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Truly amazing and inspiring story! And I have to agree with Cakes you look fantastic after 54hrs of labor! I was only in labor for 14 and looked like I was run over by a truck! Congrats
Posted 5/17/09 10:37 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/09 994 total posts
Name: J
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
What an incredible, inspiring, roller coaster of a story. Who would think that the attending physician would stop the C-Section orders!!!! Go Doc! Congratulations to you and your husband on your beautiful Liam Thomas. He is so adorable!!!
Posted 5/17/09 11:21 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
Wow! What an AMAZING story!! He is adorable! Congrats to you and your family!
Posted 5/17/09 11:51 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 1171 total posts
Name: Shira
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
congratulations you are amazing and Liam is adorable!!!
Posted 5/17/09 12:29 PM |
Re: Liam Thomas- 6/1/4/09 My 50 hours (plus) labor of love!
What an amazing birth story!!!! Welcome to the world Baby Liam!!!! Great job Mama!!!
Posted 5/17/09 6:21 PM |
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