I'm gonna start posting my IVF updates...just a little something to help my friends follow along. So here I go
Thursday 8/13: Well I started the shots on Sunday....450 follistim, lovenox, and 25 ganarelix (dont mind me I'm not sure of the proper term for the measurements..I think it may be 'cc'?) I was very nervous but Sandra from Dr. B's office was a great teacher and they gave me a printout of instructions so I felt comfortable. Yesterday was day 4 of stims and I went for my first follie check. I figured something must be going in there b/c I keep getting little twinges in the ovaries area. Well so far he said he saw about 10 small follies on the right and a few on the left although the left ovary is always a pain in the a$$ as far as showing up on the sono's. He said that as the follies get bigger he'll be able to see the left side better. Also he decreased my follistim to 375 and added 2 of those tiny things of menopur to my lovely nightly routine My belly looks like someone has been kicking my butt...all black and blue but I'm NOT complaining...I'll do whatever it takes and smile while doing it
Monday 8/17: So Friday I went in for another follie check and the largest Dr. B saw was a 15...the rest were sizes 10-12. Based on the way they're growing Dr. B said my ER will probably be anywhere from this Wednesday to Friday So now we're moving finally!!! I go for another follie check today at 3:30
Tuesday 8/18: So I went for another follie check yesterday afternoon and I'm a little concerned. The lead follie is at an 18 and one if at a 15 but the rest are like 10-12. The doctor said he saw like 15 follies but other than the size 18 and 15 they rest were so small. I dont understand this....yesterday was day 9 of stimming...shouldn't those little ones be bigger by now???? I'm afraid this cycle will be a bust.
Wednesday 8/19: so I went for another follie check today...everything looks good. He saw 12 good size follicles and I just got the call to take my hcg shot at 2am on Friday morning and my retrieval is at 12:30 on Saturday.
Saturday 8/22: Egg retrieval is DONE DONE DONE!!! They got 16 eggs but I havent gotten the call back as to how many were mature/ and or fertiliized. Dr. B's new Manhattan office is really really nice. Its very clean and very well run. They nurses and the doctor who did my ER were especially nice. They all made it a point to come in and introduce themselves and made me feel very comfortable.
Monday 8/24: Sorry I didnt get to update yesterday guys...but out of the 16 retrieved 15 were mature but 8 fertilized. I was really hoping for more but I know it only takes one. I was a little disappointed but Dr. B assured me 8 was a good number. Now I'm just waiting and praying that they grow. It never ceases to amaze me how much love and support I feel from these boards....and although I havent even met half of you in real life I feel like you all are part of my family and I'm so bleseed to have you.L ETA: I know a lot of you have said you were ok after the ER but I'm really in pain....is this normal? I drove myself to work too....big mistake b/c I'm so uncomfortable.
Another Monday 8/24 update: Just got the call and they scheduled me for a 3dt tomorrow!!!!! Its also my wedding anniversary tomorrow....I'm hoping this is not just a coincidence
Thursday 8/27: I'm sorry I didnt update sooner....I was home from work and my computer at home really stinks so I never bother using it. Girls I cant even begin to thank you enough for all the kind words of encouragement. If you know me you know its not often that I am at a loss for words....but this is truly overwhelming so I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart. The transfer went great....they put back 2 embryos and the doctor said they were of great quality. I'm not really sure of the grade....I think it was 8 cell grade A (thank you friend for reminding me) but I'm not sure if that makes sense. So now I wait and pray
Sunday 9/6: It worked!!!! I got my BFP. I'm still in shock. But I wanted to update quickly and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and good wishes. I know its b/c of God and your prayers that it worked!! It's been a long road but the friendships I've made on this board are priceless and I consider myself a better person for having found this board and meeting so many wonderful people.
Tuesday 9/8: No real update I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes. All of your support is truly priceless and I feel blessed to call you my friends. Lots of love!!!! You guys are unbelieveable!!
Last update 9/21: Well at the urging of my good friend Deanna I will make my final update. Friday 9/18 I went in for my 1st sono. I guess Dr. B knows what a worry wart I am so he made it a point to say "ok so we most likely will not see a heartbeat b/c its so early so please dont worry." So I went into the appt hoping to see at least the sac. I was just a nervous wreck b/c well IVF will do that to you and not to mention my beta's werent exactly doubling....I mean they were increasing significantly but not always "doubling". So anyways my husband was blowing up the latex gloves in the examining room as we were waiting. Gottta love the guy - he will do anything to make me laugh. He even suggested he drop his pants and sit on the examing table to freak Dr B out when he got to us Dont worry I didnt let him do it LOL So Dr. B comes in and again tells me not to worry. He begins the internal and is very quiet. Of course my heart starts to race and I swear Dr. B can read my mind b/c just at the moment when I felt my heart was gonna pop out of my chest he said "please dont think anything of my silence...I just have to look at everything before I speak." Then he turned the screen towards us and pointed to the heartbeat I hugged him like I never hugged anyone before in my life This was such an important moment for us b/c we've never seen a h/b before with my 2 previous losses. So thats where I stand as of now. I'm still so nervous and I wont be joining the preg board just yet....but i wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart a million times for all the love, support and unending kind words. You have all become such a blessing to me.
Yeahy Lisa! So excitdd for you. The shots aren't too ba right, but the Menopur did make me feel a little like the mad scientist. Lol! I know this is it for you girl. Keep us updated, I will be checking on you often.
SEE! If the rest of us can do the injections you can too! The first one is the hardest. Glad you're doing so well!!!! Can't wait to follow your journey! I am sure it will end with a BFP that sticks!