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My birth story

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Member since 6/09

3403 total posts


My birth story

I went into labor at 1:30 am on Tuesday. Decided to take a shower, dry my hair and stay put because contractions were only every 10 minutes or so. By 6:00 in the morning they were getting closer together but still not consistent. They were really bad but I had enough time between them to regroup. After reading so many natural birth stories and doing tons of research, my plan was to stay home as long as possible before going to the hospital. Well, that is exactly what I did. I timed my contractions all day. By mid-day they were about 5-6 minutes apart, but I wasn’t budging! Finally, they were a good 4 minutes apart so I headed to my moms house (a 40 minute drive) to be closer to the hospital. I had about 7 contractions in the car and was literally dying of pain. I still had a positive attitude and was staying strong. During contractions I would grab the grasp in the car and just tense up. Arrived at moms at around 6:00 pm. Encouraged everyone to eat dinner even though I was in so much pain. In between contractions I would just tense up and my mom or my hubby would rub my lower back really hard (it was the only thing they could do to help me a little). Finally my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. My next-door neighbor (a labor and delivery nurse) said that I’m probably half way dilated and I should get to the hospital. I tried to be so strong but by about 9:30 I couldn’t take it anymore and we went. I was anticipating hearing the words “it’s too late for meds, this baby is ready to come out!” Got to the hospital and finally got in and checked at around 11:00 pm (almost in labor for 24 hours). They hooked me up to the monitor; my contractions were 2 minutes apart. We all thought for sure I was dilated at least half way. Now here is where my labor story gets rough…they check me and I’m only 1.5 centimeters dilated and they tell me to go home and take 2 Benadryl. I was devastated. I thought for sure my body was almost ready to deliver and it wasn’t. For anyone that knows what contractions feel like, the though of going home was just unbearable…I was in the worst pain I have every felt. Well, I went home in tears stopping every other minute and literally falling to the floor in pain, I didn’t have enough time to regroup and with no end in site I was scared to death. If it wasn’t for my mother and my husband I don’t know what I would have done. They catered to my every need even though there was really nothing they could do to help. Finally we got home and I got in bed. Mom on one side hubby on another. I tried to sleep but it wasn’t happening. I couldn’t even cry I was in so much pain and according to the residents at the hospital they said this could go on for days (yeah right). Finally at about 2:00am (over 24 hours of labor) we all agreed that it was unbearable and I needed to go back to the hospital. I get back and they check me again only to find out I had not dilated any more (still 1.5 centimeters). They wanted to send me home again and I said no way, I refused. I was desperate. They said the only thing that they could do for me at this point was give me therapeutic rest. I would have to take a drug called Staydol to help me sleep for an hour or two. They said this would give me more energy for the rest of my labor. I was so scared. I hate drugs and feeling out of it but my biggest worry was the baby. I did not want to take anything that passed to the baby. At the same time, I was desperate for relief. I decided to take it; they assured me it was okay. I fell asleep for about two hours. They woke me up around 7:00am broke my water and checked me. I was only 2 centimeters dilated. No progress. My doctor then ordered the Pictosin and the Epidural because we had to get things moving along. I was so upset because I really wanted a natural birth and tried to labor so long at home. I guess you can’t always plan. Anyway, by this time and over 30 hours of labor I was out of it. The epidural did make me numb and I could no longer feel the contractions, but I was done. I just laid there like a zombie only to hear scary whispering of the doctors and nurses. The dreadful words (heart rate is dropping, we may have to do an emergency c-section). They stopped the Pitosin and tried to get the heart rate back to normal but it did not help. I also was still not dilating. The next thing I know I was being wheeled in for an emergency c-section. At that point, to be honest I was almost relieved because I didn’t know if I could push after all that labor. I was so tired. My mom and hubby were so nervous but they stayed strong for me. As for the c-section, it went great. I was so scared about being totally numb and kept telling the anesthesiologist to make sure that I didn’t feel anything. My hubby came in and just told me how much he loved me and we both waited in anticipation for our baby. After a few minutes, I heard the best words I have ever heard in my life followed by the best sound I have ever heard. It’s a boy! Then I heard my baby boy crying. My husband was wailing like a baby and he couldn’t even speak. He just kept saying, we have a son. I just wanted to see my baby because they took him away for cleaning. Within a few minutes, I met the love of my life…my baby boy Santino Giuseppe. They wheeled me out into recovery and brought me my baby right away. I immediately started breastfeeding (my other goal and something I really wanted to do). My baby was perfect, 7lbs 7 ounces, 20.5 inches and healthy all I could ask for. I feel so blessed to have Santino “little saint” in my life. The love is unbelievable and life has a whole new meaning. My hubby has been absolutely amazing and has treated me like a princess since his birth, so helpful as well. He stayed with me every night in the hospital. Recovery was rough, but I still kept my baby in the room with me and have been successfully breastfeeding since. I decided not to do any pain meds other then Motrin to help for the c-section and as rough as it was I’m feeling pretty good now. Thank you for letting me share my story and I honestly feel like I am a rare case! I still wanted to share and most importantly the end result is worth every minute of my rough labor!


Posted 10/4/09 3:00 PM

♥ Lucas and Layla

Member since 8/08

2979 total posts


Re: My birth story

aww im so sorry that u went through so much pain! But im so glad that everything turned out fine and your little baby boy is adorable!!

Posted 10/4/09 4:14 PM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: My birth story

baby is adorable!

Sorry you went through so much, but really respect your decision and willpower, I can't imagine driving while in pain.

I keep asking my mother about her labors as both were completely med free, she said her water(which was very bloody) broke 4 days after contractions started.

Makes me really nervous as I wont know when I'm really ready and really want to try med free too.

Posted 10/4/09 7:55 PM

She is love!

Member since 11/08

1863 total posts


Re: My birth story

Oh my goodness you poor thing!! What a difficult couple of days you had - but good for you for being so strong through it all. Your son is a gorgeous little angel - congratulations!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/09 7:59 PM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: My birth story

Jen-you know I am so unbelievably happy for you and DH Chat Icon Chat Icon

Welcome to the world Santino Giuseppe! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/4/09 10:02 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: My birth story

thank you for sharing your story. Your husband and mom seem like some really awesome people the way they held you through all of that. You are truly blessed to have them. Chat Icon

And as for your little boy Chat Icon what a sweet heart!

Posted 10/4/09 10:13 PM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

8806 total posts


Re: My birth story

Congratulations!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am so sorry to hear that you had such a tough labor and things didn't go the way you planned but all that matters is that your beautiful, healthy boy is here Chat Icon!

Congrats again & you look great!!

Posted 10/5/09 9:14 AM

So in Love

Member since 1/09

3356 total posts


Re: My birth story

this is such an amazing story congrats to you and your family

Posted 10/5/09 9:47 AM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: My birth story

congratulations.....your son is beautiful! thanks for sharing, i love reading all the birth storiesChat Icon

ps: you looked gorgeous for someone who went through all those hours of labor!!!! a beautiful mom and son!

Posted 10/5/09 10:21 AM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: My birth story

awww...glad you're doing better. he's a cutie!

i love the name too!

Posted 10/5/09 10:42 AM


Member since 5/07

4747 total posts


Re: My birth story

congrats, he's is beauitful!

I'm sorry for all you had to endure! I'm glad to read stories like yours because they show you that anything can happen! Glad to hear your feeling better Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/09 12:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

795 total posts


Re: My birth story

He is so cute!!! Congratulations!!!

And you're a look fantastic!!!!

Posted 10/5/09 12:21 PM

Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08

7769 total posts


Re: My birth story

wow you are a trooper!! congrats!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/09 9:31 AM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: My birth story

You did all that you could to have the natural birth you wanted - your body just didn't want to cooperate.

Thankfully all ended well with a beautiful Chat Icon - Love his name & meaning!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/09 10:01 AM

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