Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
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LIF Zygote
Member since 12/05 21 total posts
Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
The nurse just called with my beta results. She said my hcg levels were good at 685 at 4 weeks but my progesterone level was a little low at 8.2 when it should be at least 10 at this point. Does anyone know what this means? Thank you so much.
Posted 12/27/05 2:03 PM |
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Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
Progesterone from what I understand, can be supplemented with a suppository. This is a vital part of maintaining a pregnancy so if I was you I would demand my Dr. put me on the supplemental progesterone. I have read it can not hurt. You should go to your Dr and ask him. Good luck
Posted 12/27/05 2:55 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
from what I understand, progesterone is the hormone that sustains your uterine wall so the baby can be nourished and grow until the placenta takes over late 1st trimester.
Are they going to put you on progesterone supplements? If they put you on supplements, you will prob need to take them until 1st trimester is over. There are a couple ladies on here who went through it, hopefully they will respond
685 is good beta number!! Congrats again!
Posted 12/27/05 2:58 PM |
Member since 5/05 2423 total posts
Re: Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
my betas were good, but my progesterone came in at 15.2. the prenatal nurse said this level was fine, but that b/c i had a missed miscarriage 4 months prior, i should speak to the doc about progesterone supplements. i did talk to him and he put me on them. here i am at 12weeks and all is well!! i would talk to your doc about them. like the previous poster said, they can't hurt!
Posted 12/27/05 10:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
I m/c'd at 6 weeks and got pregnant one week later... as a precautionary measure my dr. put me on progesterone just in case that was the reason for the m/c. Turns out, when they drew my blood the day before I started taking the supplements that my level was a little low. I took them until 12 weeks and everything was fine... you should ask your Dr. about getting them
Posted 12/28/05 9:02 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Hcg and progesterone levels in pregnancy..help??
I demanded progesterone after I miscarried and they told me my number was a little low. I was at a 12 and they like to see 14 or over. This is a very important hormone in sustaining a pregnancy(as mentioned above). Can you call your Dr and ask them to call in an RX for progesterone suppositiories??
Posted 12/28/05 9:29 AM |
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