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Still Waiting For SW to Call...

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Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Hey Ladies,

I'm getting upset. Still no call from the SW re: my homestudy. They told me no later than Friday. I'm starting to wonder what the hold-up is. Have they forgotten about us? The only reason I think they may have forgotten is because they've done this twice before....told me something was in the mail and then I'd call a week later and tell them I haven't received it yet and they would tell me they'd send another one and then I'd miraculously get another one...

Also, last night at my Korea Meeting, Cathy D. was like, "Don't stress over your homestudies. We don't care if your house isn't immaculate ... the only things we'll be concerned with are if you have a ditch or unfenced pool in your yard..." We have an unfenced pool and have no money to put one up right now bc we need every penny we can save for the adoption.

Joe thinks I'm overreacting bc he has plans to put a fence up, but not until it gets warmer out. But are they going to wait until I have the fence up to give me an approval? Are they going to come back to make sure I've done it? I wish I would have thought of this before I bought this stupid house.

Sorry, needed to vent. Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 5:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Does your town allow for an unfenced pool? Mine does not. I have no idea if a social worker would comment on that or not. They may ask you when you plan to have it fenced in. I would just make sure you have a firm game plan in mind so you can answer the question or tell her "We plan on fencing in the pool as soon as the adoption is completed". Since it is a safety hazard maybe look into an inexpensive option like a chain link, instead of PVC or wood.

Is your agency doing the homestudy? If not, maybe switch social workers. I would not want to deal with this extra stress. If they are doing the homestudy then call the headquarter office and tell them the situation. They are holding up your adoption and that is very unfair IMO.

Your house does not need to be perfect. It needs to be drug free, rat free and normal clean..But I hired the cleaning lady the day before my SW cameChat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 5:18 PM


Member since 5/05

1207 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Hey Susan,

How did the workshop go today?

Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 5:56 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...


I would love to get a cleaning lady too but DH refuses. Our yard is fenced in, it's just the pool that's not. Everyone in my town has an inground pool and I haven't seen any fenced in. It's definitely something DH & I planned to do regardless bc of safety issues, but we just moved in, so we were waiting for nicer weather to do it. DH is going to do it himself. I know Jenn (ttsmom) had the same issue and the SW just told her to do it before the baby came home. I think I'll have the same SW so it should be ok, but it makes me nervous nontheless, esp bc the woman in charge of the Korean program said that's pretty much the only thing that would make you 'fail.' Chat Icon

I don't know what the deal is with this delay and it's so frustrating bc a great friend of mine is a social worker and would do my homestudy free of charge if my agency would allow it. It really hasn't been THAT long (I sent my entire package in on 2/4) but it feels like an eternity and other people that sent their stuff in after mine aleady have their homestudies set up. This gives me more time to get my house ready though, so I guess it's a blessing in disguise. I need as much time as I can get in that regard.

Jennifaaa, I wasn't at today's meeting but I was at yesterday's. It was very informative. There was a couple from Korea adopting, your friend was sitting next to me (I didn't have the opportunity to chat with her), and the woman next to her husband's brother was adopting from NB. Very exciting!

Once this homestudy is complete and sent over to Korea, we will not have long to wait at all! SWS is moving sooooooo quickly! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 7:30 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

213 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Susan, Susan susan, please don't stress over the pool. IT WILL BE FINE.

What do you think Cathy is going to say. "Please make sure your drug parafanalia is put away before the social worker comes" LOL. (Susan that is a joke to make you laugh) Sorry just my warped sense of humor. She has to say something, and the pool thing is common. I am telling you my SW didn't even ask about the pool. I brought it up. And she said. Well I've told you before... "Your going to put a fence up right?" Meaning she knew we were going to. Cause any sane parent wouldn't want to have to worry about the pool hazard.

Your stressing to much. No they are not going to come and check if its done. I will garuntee that.

Keep smiling. Its going to happen!


Message edited 2/25/2006 8:27:39 PM.

Posted 2/25/06 7:30 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Susan, I'm so sorry your still waiting. I would definately get on the phone with your agency and bug them day in and day out until the social worker comes and then continue to ask for updates on the progress until the homestudy is completed and notarized. The one thing I learned from all the hours and hours of paperwork is to never wait for anyone and to immediate call if I have any doubts over anything.

Also, I totally wouldn't worry about the homestudy. The pool is not going to be a big issue at all. Maybe they'll say to fence it in and if they do just telling them you will do it will be enough. They don't come back and check. Not having a fenced in pool will in no way make you not eligible for a child!

Chat Icon Chat Icon In the end all these frustrations will be worth it!!

Posted 2/25/06 11:40 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

You ladies are the greatest source of support for me these days. Thank you SO much! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 11:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

Your agency forces you to use a certain SW? Maybe tell them that you have an opportunity to have a free homestudy and that would save you thousands! I know with Wide Horizons you could have done that, although there is a fee for using an outside social worker, but still it is your choice.

Don't stress over the fence if your entire yard is fenced in right now.

Posted 2/26/06 2:04 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

I don't think using your own social worker is an option at NB. I may be wrong, and my friend told me I should ask, but at this point, I just want anyone to do it. Maybe I'll ask can't hurt.

Posted 2/26/06 7:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Re: Still Waiting For SW to Call...

You can relax about the pool, just like everyone else will have to be completed b/f the baby arrives, and you have time. Call NB and inquire about the HomeStudy. You went to your class, maybe your SW is on vacation (last week was a big vaca week for a lot of folks)...see what this week brings.

We are all here for you!

Posted 2/27/06 10:37 AM

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