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Dry to resolve (Dog)

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Dry to resolve (Dog)

Our rottie seems to be suffering.....scratching alot to the point she's raw.

Posted 9/11/06 1:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Is it an allergy? If not try adding Linatone to her food. It is a supplement that can be purchased at most major pet stores.

Hope she is feeling better. Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 1:36 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Posted by MsMBV

Is it an allergy? If not try adding Linatone to her food. It is a supplement that can be purchased at most major pet stores.

Hope she is feeling better. Chat Icon

I don't think it's an's been bothering her a while now. Maybe it was the overgrown grass in the yard (DH hadn't cut a patch because of all the wood laying around from construction).

Posted 9/11/06 4:04 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Definitely try the Linatone then. Anything topical may irritate it if it is raw, plus she might lick it off.

Hope she feels betterChat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 4:15 PM


Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Try Hylite essential fatty acids shampoo... the vet gave it to me for the same issue

Posted 9/11/06 6:41 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Do not shampoo your dog too often. Most dogs need to be shampooed once every 2-3 months at most. If you feel the need to clean him more often, just rinse without shampoo. Ebony had this problem and when we stopped washing him so much it stopped. They need the oils in their skin.

Also dribble oilve oil on his food -- GREAT for their coats, skin, and joints. Plus makes the food yummier!

Posted 9/11/06 9:06 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Posted by Alex110879

Try Hylite essential fatty acids shampoo... the vet gave it to me for the same issue

I use this as well. Omega oils(such as the ones in Linatone) help with this. Have you changed his food at all??? My dog has a food allergy and gets this way with a food she's allergic to.....

Posted 9/12/06 7:47 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Posted by karacg

Do not shampoo your dog too often. Most dogs need to be shampooed once every 2-3 months at most. If you feel the need to clean him more often, just rinse without shampoo. Ebony had this problem and when we stopped washing him so much it stopped. They need the oils in their skin.

Also dribble oilve oil on his food -- GREAT for their coats, skin, and joints. Plus makes the food yummier!

TY Kara.....honestly, she has not been bathed in FOREVER. She'll get wet in the rain, but that's it. They both need a grooming.

We are taking her to the vet today

Posted 9/12/06 9:19 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Posted by btrflygrl

TY Kara.....honestly, she has not been bathed in FOREVER. She'll get wet in the rain, but that's it. They both need a grooming.

We are taking her to the vet today

i dont want to get flamed, but why are you not bathing your dogs???
i understnad youre busy, dont get me wrong, but grooming is pretty essential, and i know you are looking for yet another dog???

Posted 9/13/06 1:34 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Posted by Lolita4Life

Posted by btrflygrl

TY Kara.....honestly, she has not been bathed in FOREVER. She'll get wet in the rain, but that's it. They both need a grooming.

We are taking her to the vet today

i dont want to get flamed, but why are you not bathing your dogs???
i understnad youre busy, dont get me wrong, but grooming is pretty essential, and i know you are looking for yet another dog???

ya know....I come on here to get advice and help and all you do is pick on me. I'm awfully tired of justifying myself to you.

My dogs are not neglected, as you think they are.

Posted 9/13/06 8:53 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

Beside the fact that dogs should NOT be washed like people. They are dogs - they need the oils in their skin, not have them washed away and then replaced by some "special shampoo".

Posted 9/13/06 9:26 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: Dry to resolve (Dog)

I use a natural soap that I order from Conn. It works great on Otis he was getting a reaction to the soap we used to use. It is called Mystic Naturals!! It is a bar and works great for him maybe order a few bars and see how that works!! I also heard about maybe putting some Olive Oil in the food not much.

Posted 9/13/06 9:32 AM

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