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Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

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Member since 5/05

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Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

Message edited 8/24/2013 3:01:51 PM.

Posted 10/26/05 9:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

my mom's side of the family used to do the grab bag idea..everyone picks a name out of a hat.....i think that worked best.

Posted 10/26/05 9:19 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

DH's family (IL's, BIL and SIL and us are on year 2 of Secret Santa/Hannukah Harry). We pick out of a hat on Thanksgiving.

My family has both. We do SS with Dad's side but still extra stuff for my dad, stepmom and sibs. My mom's side is gifts for everyone, but it's about 5 people. My stepsisters and I have not exchanged for awhile, but still wind up getting little things.

Posted 10/26/05 11:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

this year, with my side we decided to do a secret santa for the adults, and then just buy for the kids.

for DHs side, the famiy is just doing for the kids. which kind of stinks since we have 9 nieces and nephews, but no kids of our own (we're the only ones out of all his syblings)... but i know when we do have kids, theyre going to be spoiled by his family, so its all good (plus i love buying stuff for kids Chat Icon )

Posted 10/26/05 11:18 PM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

But I dont understand if one year your tight on cash why your sibblings wouldnt still get you a gift..It sounds like, if they dont get a gift then neither do you?
I think the grab bag idea is cool or maybe instead of buying for sibbling and inlaw you can buy ONE gift for ONE married couple..
So its like 2 gifts instead of 4...Even make a price limit on that too... 20 dollars a couple or something..
DOnt feel bad though, its a time to give what you can afford to give..
good luck

Posted 10/27/05 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

Posted by BNL2005

my mom's side of the family used to do the grab bag idea..everyone picks a name out of a hat.....i think that worked best.

we do that too with all the adults. there are 30 of us so it just makes sense.

Posted 10/27/05 9:16 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

Posted by BNL2005

my mom's side of the family used to do the grab bag idea..everyone picks a name out of a hat.....i think that worked best.

We do this too. If you buy for all your nieces and nephews I think it is fair if your family buys you a small gift from the kids. My girlfriends and I did this when I didn't have any children. I bought for their kids and then they gave me a small gift from the kids. It was nice. Now that I have a son, we will all just buy for the kids. Even with my parents we have decided to cut back a lot. It gets crazy. I don't need gifts for myself, I just want Alex to enjoy it. DH and I probably will just get each other a few small things.

Posted 10/27/05 10:18 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

On DH's side, I buy for neices and nephews, but not for their parents. They don't buy for us either.

On my side, my siblings do a secret santa, no nieces or nephews.

Posted 10/27/05 10:20 AM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

I have tried to do this in the past and it went over like a lead balloon in my family. I am in the same situation, I am the only one without kids and I love to buy for the kids, but there isn't really anything I need or want that DH wouldn't get me as a gift for birthdays or Christmas.

My siblings didn't go for it, especially my brothers. they said they were still going to buy me a gift, regardless of whether or not I buy for thme. So we still buy for everyone.

I do know some people who do the picking the name, and one friend's family does a swap. They all get something that has under a $50 value and then thye choose numbers. #1 chooses an unwrapped gift and opens it. #2 can either take #1s gift, or choose a new one to unwrap. If #2 steals the first gift, #1 opens another one. #3 can steal any of the open gifts or opens a new one. This goes on until everything is open, and #1 has one last chance to steal. She says it is a lot of fun and they all look forward to it.

Message edited 10/27/2005 10:39:41 AM.

Posted 10/27/05 10:35 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

DH's family does that too. That way everyone gets a gift, but they only have to buy for one person.
My friends and I have that arrangement too. We always have a little at home party to pick our names and then we go out for a fancy brunch to exchange gifts.

Posted 10/27/05 10:36 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

We only do the kids but we get a small something for the adults. about 20.00 for adult sbut something nice

Posted 10/27/05 11:34 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

I am also trying to cut out some of the gifts this year. Between families, friends and co-workers... It is getting to be too much. I think I am just going to do immediate family this year.

Posted 10/27/05 11:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

I'm one of five. Three of my siblings have children, the fourth has no children nor is he married. I buy for the kids but not for the siblings who have kids. I do still buy for my brother who is single with no kids. And they all buy for me Chat Icon Once I have kids, I'll move into the "buy only for kids" section of the family but I like the way it is now Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/05 11:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

Message edited 8/24/2013 3:01:34 PM.

Posted 10/27/05 12:01 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

Posted by Blazesyth

It's not really the money, I guess I just hate the whole commericialization of xmas - I hate buying presents just for the sake of buying presents. In these times when the money could go towards something more important, charity etc it makes me feel silly. Family wise, I value the time I spend with them, not the presents they give me.

I feel the same way. I realized though, that my siblings don't have the same feelings as I do about it and I am not going to change their minds Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/05 12:08 PM

My Love!

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Re: Holiday Family Gift Giving Arrangements

my family does adults pick a name and spend $100 on 1 person, and we all buy for the kids

Posted 10/27/05 12:40 PM

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