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Question about an 8 week old!

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Question about an 8 week old!

Hi , My DD is 8 weeks old and unless she is tired and about to nod off to sleep she really doesnt like to be in her bouncy chair. She starts to cry and I of course pick her up and then she stops. Could she know already how to wrap me around her finger?!!

I do tummy time with her as well as play with her on her mat, she wont stay on the mat by herself - cries unless I am there talking to her -
My worry is that I have started back at work - working from home so not too bad but I do need to be able to make phone calls etc and I know unless she is sleeping this is going to be impossible.

I guess my question is am I expecting too much from her at this stage and is it normal that she needs to be held by her mommy most of the time?


Posted 3/30/06 12:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question about an 8 week old!

she is still really young...and at this stage there is nothing wrong with her wanting human contact. When she begins to play a little more on her own she will be less attached to you.

Posted 3/30/06 12:42 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question about an 8 week old!

Can't help because dd is 4 months and wants to be with Mommy all the time.

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Posted 3/30/06 12:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

Working from home myself I totally understand your issues. One thing that I think is very important is that I had daycare at 14 weeks 2x a week. Sometimes I only used it once a week. But that was the day I scheduled all of my really important calls and got A LOT done. The swing was my best friend. Molly only liked her bouncy seat when I was taking a shower and she was in it in the bathroom with me. Tummy time is not easy at this young age. I could never have left Molly during tummy time to make a phone call or get work done.
I would work on my laptop while holding her, do calls during her naps and swingtime. I worked a lot at night when she was sleeping.
There are a ton of pros for working at home, but also some cons. I find that I work ALL the time..I don't really have "off" time like many people do. And I have to see my house ALL the time so if the kitchen floor needs mopping I am staring out it all day. KWIM?
As Molly got older I put her into daycare more often. Now at 2 years 3 months she is in 4 days a week. There is just no way she could get the attention she needs from me and I could do any work at all.

Posted 3/30/06 12:53 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

she is still really young. my son is 7 weeks and is the same way. I find a sling very helpful. when he seems sleepy, i put him in and walk around. he falls right asleep. he also won't go into the bouncer. he is just starting to like the swing. I think you are expecting too much. Give it the first 3 mths. I have heard of thetheory that the first 3 mths is like a fourth trimester. you can't spoil them and they want to be held and coddled and spoiled....teh sling was a lifesaver.

Posted 3/30/06 12:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

She is still very young. My son is 16 weeks and has just started liking the bouncy seat. At 8 weeks he loved the swing or the play mat.

Posted 3/30/06 1:18 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

My DS is 4 months old & he still just wants his Mommy all the time. He cries if anyone else is to hold him. It drives me crazy some times, because I feel as if I can't get anything done, unless he is sleeping. Have you thought of maybe getting a "Mothers Helper" in maybe when you start working from home again. With the summer coming, you might be able to get some one in for a few hours a day just to help you get back on your feet. Teenage girls are always looking for some cash in their pocket and love babies. She would be able to entertain your little one, while you get work done. I know I am doing this for the month of July. Can't wait, there is so much I want to get done and will be able to during that time.

Posted 3/30/06 1:43 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

My son is about 9 weeks and like that. He gets upset when he is left in his bouncy seat or swing for too long. He whines and cries and I have to pick him up for him to stop. I sit him in front of the TV with Noggin on and that seems to occupy him for about 30 minutes tops. During the day sometimes I feel like its darn near impossible to get anything done because I need to entertain him.

Posted 3/30/06 2:10 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

Posted by beachgirl

I guess my question is am I expecting too much from her at this stage and is it normal that she needs to be held by her mommy most of the time?

Yes, it is totally normal that she wants to be held by her mommy. Working from home is very, very hard without another caregiver available.

Posted 3/30/06 2:23 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

Posted by sunny

Can't help because dd is 4 months and wants to be with Mommy all the time.

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Yes, I would also like to say that I was not able to put my son down until he was around 9 I can put him down in his rocking chair or on a playgym, but he does cry after around 5/10 minutes and I have to pick him up. I wind up carrying him around on my hip for most of the time I am at home. Thats why I try to be out most of the time!!!

It will get better...I promise!

You might want to read The Happiest Baby on the Block and read a bit about the fourth trimester, it does make sense

Message edited 3/30/2006 3:13:16 PM.

Posted 3/30/06 3:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Question about an 8 week old!

Wow! thank you all sooooo much for your replies. I feel so much better now. I love my DD so much and do love holding her, if I wasnt going back to work, it wouldnt even be an issue, but I was just afraid that I was doing something wrong and it woud be harder on her when she is older.

I can go back to holding her now and not feel guilty!!

I have thought about getting a mothers helper for the summer so that might help me out.

Thank you all so much, I really appreciate the adviceChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 5:49 PM

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