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If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

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Member since 5/05

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If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

... and its somewhere you'd LOVE to go, do you ever accompany them to get a mini vacation out of it? (given you are able to take the time off to go away with them of course, and would have to pay for your expenses/airfaire, etc.)

Or its is strictly WORK for your SO travels, and its looked down upon and/or would be too distracting for you to tag along?

Just curious!

Posted 10/14/05 11:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Al mostly travels in the US, so there haven't been many trips I wanted to go on. But I have gone with him to San Francisco and Seattle.

If he was going to more exotic locations and for longer trips (they're usually just a night or 2) I would totally tag along more often.

Message edited 10/14/2005 11:41:44 AM.

Posted 10/14/05 11:41 AM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

It's usually me doing the traveling, but DH comes along if it's somewhere he wants to go. I was presenting at a conference in Vegas and he came along (I kind of resented him having fun while I was working, but I took 1 vacation day at the end to extend the trip).

Posted 10/14/05 11:43 AM

My Big Boy!

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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

My husband travels a lot. If it is somewhere good, I usually will go with him.
I usually am on my own during the day, which is fine. I lay out, go to the spa or gym. At night, I am allowed to go to the dinners and stuff. In his company, many of the wifes/husbands go on the trips so it isn't a big deal.

Posted 10/14/05 11:44 AM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

My DH is a pilot and was based in Cape Cod the whole summer. Since I am unemployed, I joined him. Sometimes they will ask him to go to other cities on temp. duty and I sometimes do go with him! I might as well now before I start working again!

Posted 10/14/05 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

See my husband changed positions in his company a few months ago and he now travels a LOT for work.. mostly domestic and a lot of times places I would not like to go anyhow

... but I have been considering joining him on a few upcoming trips next year, and just was not sure it would be appropriate .. for intstance, if he is with colleagues do I want to feel like the spouse that is tagging along, if they are all solo? Some trips, though, he is by himself and he always says he'd love the company.. Something for me to ponder I guess Chat Icon

He is leaving for Las Vegas this Sunday for 1 week .. and even though I've been to Vegas, if I had ANY vacation time left this year (Chat Icon) I would so be tagging along!!! Chat Icon

Message edited 10/14/2005 11:56:50 AM.

Posted 10/14/05 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

I do the majority of the traveling (actually leaving for Germany Monday). DH hasn't come with yet but we're trying to get me sent to the UK sometime in Jan/Feb since the airfare is so cheap then, he can come with me and then we can hop over to Paris for a few days of vacation. We'll see if it pans out though.

He gets to go to the cool places... Milwaukee and El Paso Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 11:57 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by FeliciaDP

... but I have been considering joining him on a few upcoming trips next year, and just was not sure it would be appropriate .. for intstance, if he is with colleagues do I want to feel like the spouse that is tagging along, if they are all solo? Some trips, though, he is by himself and he always says he'd love the company.. Something for me to ponder I guess Chat Icon

Your DH should know which trips are appropriate and which are not. If I'm just going over to our UK office for a week, it's fine to bring DH with me because hten I'm just doing normal hours at work. But other trips, like my one next week, I'll be working the entire time. IMO it's not appropriate to bring your SO to work functions, even dinner, when you're away so unless he won't have those, or you're cool with doing things by yourself for dinner on some of the nights, I'd skip it. JMO.

Posted 10/14/05 11:59 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by Leeners
He gets to go to the cool places... Milwaukee and El Paso Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Yes that is the typical trip for my DH also... up until now, his trips have been Pittsburg, Charlotte and Jacksonville.. not exactly a reason for me to JUMP at the chance (not that there is anything WRONG with those places of course Chat Icon)

AHH if he ever were to travel oversees (highly doubtful in his company) I would SO BE THERE!

Posted 10/14/05 11:59 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by Leeners

Your DH should know which trips are appropriate and which are not. If I'm just going over to our UK office for a week, it's fine to bring DH with me because hten I'm just doing normal hours at work. But other trips, like my one next week, I'll be working the entire time. IMO it's not appropriate to bring your SO to work functions, even dinner, when you're away so unless he won't have those, or you're cool with doing things by yourself for dinner on some of the nights, I'd skip it. JMO.

Oh definitely true, I hear ya on that... I would only REALLY consider going on the trips where Anthony was generally going to be solo anyway.. he's new to the department and I know he's got to play the game for awhile so I don't want to be around or distract him from his work. I would never dream of even trying to get in the way of his business dinner and/or including myself in after work-hour functions or that sort of thing..

Actually more than likely I would just meet him towards the end of a week and turn it into a long weekend... depending on the place.

Message edited 10/14/2005 12:04:11 PM.

Posted 10/14/05 12:02 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Hey Flee, If you have the days, take um--especially for Vegas, Chat Icon btw I know u have FM trouble..I did write you back yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 12:42 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Hey Flee, If you have the days, take um--especially for Vegas, Chat Icon btw I know u have FM trouble..I did write you back yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's just it girl, I DO NOT have anymore days this year.. Chat Icon So this trip I cannot go with A, but in the future I am going to try and make a point of it!

I DID get your FM hun, just me being a slacker and forgetting to reply (I was not online last night)

Posted 10/14/05 12:44 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

My DH does travel a lot but it's like weird travel so i never go with him. Sometimes after work he hops on a plane to Boston, meets a client and has dinner and is home by 11PM at night.

Other times he flies out in the morning to places like LV, Denver, Cali, Seatlle and is back at night or he comes back in the morning and goes right to work.

I hate it because it kills like two days afterwards because he is trying to catch up on sleep and jet lag...but it pays the bills and he gets excited about it.

Now if he went away for a few days to a place i liked...well I would def go.

Posted 10/14/05 12:46 PM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by Leeners

I do the majority of the traveling (actually leaving for Germany Monday). DH hasn't come with yet but we're trying to get me sent to the UK sometime in Jan/Feb since the airfare is so cheap then, he can come with me and then we can hop over to Paris for a few days of vacation. We'll see if it pans out though.

He gets to go to the cool places... Milwaukee and El Paso Chat Icon

Yay, come see me!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I used to do the travelling too. He's come with me to Washington a few times because he hadn't been, and when he lived in London and I lived in NY, we met up in Athens when I was on tour with the ballet.

Posted 10/14/05 12:47 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

Posted by FeliciaDP

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Hey Flee, If you have the days, take um--especially for Vegas, Chat Icon btw I know u have FM trouble..I did write you back yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's just it girl, I DO NOT have anymore days this year.. Chat Icon So this trip I cannot go with A, but in the future I am going to try and make a point of it!

I DID get your FM hun, just me being a slacker and forgetting to reply (I was not online last night)

oh gosh im sorry u dont have days left :( at least u can have a mini vaca at home while hubby is away Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 12:49 PM

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Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

We work for the same company in the same department, so it's hard to do, but we've worked it out a couple times.

Once to San Francisco and once to Florida.

Posted 10/14/05 12:55 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: If your DH/DW or FH/FW travels out of town on business...

DH goes to conferences a few times a year. I tagged along once because it coincided with winter recess. It was a little different because it was a conference, though. He was the only one there from his school, and he still had a good amount of time to spend with me, even though I like being on my own too. Plus we only have to pay for my transportation and food.

Posted 10/14/05 12:59 PM

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