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crib issues

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


crib issues

Nightime has become very noisy and troublesome. Antonio keeps bumping his head into the crib slats and wakes up crying. I put him down and his rolling and flipping and always ends up on one side. I have the mesh bumpers so he can breathe because I was too nervous to get the regular ones. I don't want him bumping his head but I also don't want him smooshed without air in the regular bumpers.

Any suggestions? I am paranoid with SIDS!!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 8:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: crib issues

I had the same problem. Alex couldn't get a good night sleep because she kept banging her head into the crib. Despite my SIDS fears, I finally relented and bought some very thin crib bumpers. The bumpers that came with my bedding set was very plush and fluffy, and that scared me, so I went to BRU and bought the thinnnest bumpers I could find. They don't seem to be thick enough that she could suffocate on them, but they give enough padding that Alex can sleep through all her bumps and bruises Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/06 8:42 AM

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