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feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

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boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

Like many of the other babies Bryan has reflux and he is on medicine the drt said that he might also have a food allergy and since im breafeeding they Gi dr put me on the total elimination diet, so for 3 weeks I have been having any milk products, egg product, soy products and peanut products-- Bryan seemed to get better with the spiiting up and crying while Im on this diet but he is also on Zantc at the same time so I dont know really which one is working but just these past few days I started to try to reintroduce foods like mashed potatoes, butter and cheese. Since I have started eating these I have noticed him being more fussing during eating and spitting up a but more but not crazy like he used too before the meds and diet. ANyway I dont know what to do because I cannot keep following this diet Im losing weight myself because there is literally nothing that I can eat, I cant leave a bottle for anyone to feed him because he gets nipple confusion and refuses to nurse soo I cant leave him for more that 3 hours and I dont feel like he is gaining any weight and Im really nervous about this. Im stressed to the maxChat Icon and I feel like Im going to have a mental meltdown. I am thinking of switching to formula esp if he hasnt gained a decent amount of weight at the next appointment but the only thing with that is the only formula he could probably be on is alimentum and its sooo expensive we cannot afford it Chat Icon Im a sahm and we are scraping by as it isChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 11/1/2005 11:07:47 AM.

Posted 11/1/05 11:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

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Re: feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

Just wanted to send a few Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon your way. Sounds like things are really rough right now. Try as often as you can to remember that this too shall pass... feels like forever though, doesn't it???

Posted 11/1/05 11:10 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

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I know what you are going through. My next step is to try the emlination diet and whiile I definitely need to lose weight that is not the way I want to do it.
I know that the more I read it seems like its just a roller coaster ride with reflux babies. You'll have good days even great days and them BAM it can all be back again out of the blue.
I'm trying to keep notice of what I eat and how Miranda reacts but I feel like I have no time to even write down what I eat, heck sometimes I don't even get time to eat all day. She wants to be held all the time it seems and most of the time will only sleep on me. Chat Icon Chat Icon
I am kind of at my wits end with breastfeeding to because I am trying to get my supply up plus watch what I eat and now that my supply is getting better she won't latch! Chat Icon If its not one thing its another. It just seems easier to give her all bottles but she spits up so much more with bottles.
Sorry I don't have any answers I just want you to know that I feel for you!

Posted 11/1/05 11:25 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

you can do it!!!! i was on that diet the entire year that i bf my daughter, fm me and i ill help you!!! I also was on that diet the 3rd trimester of my lasdt preg and now i'm on it again for my son!!! If you want some help just let me know, it's definitely tough, so...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 11:28 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

Posted by emilain

you can do it!!!! i was on that diet the entire year that i bf my daughter, fm me and i ill help you!!! I also was on that diet the 3rd trimester of my lasdt preg and now i'm on it again for my son!!! If you want some help just let me know, it's definitely tough, so...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Can you FM me what you DID eat?? I don't know what is good - Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/05 12:40 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: feeling stressed about the whole reflux and breastfeeding

I'm sorry you are having such problems! Chat Icon
If your baby has to go on the special formula, your insurance may cover the cost. The doctor has to call your insurance company and tell them the baby HAD to be on the special formula for medical reasons and they may cover the cost and even have a company deliver it to your home. Cal your doctor to find out if that can be done for you.

Posted 11/1/05 5:30 PM

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