Did anyone read this article? Dairy and Twins???
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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Did anyone read this article? Dairy and Twins???
I think DH is getting more and more serious about this baby thing. He is sending me articles all the time. As easily freaked as he may be about the idea of being a Daddy to ONE child, he is even more so about 2 at once mainly because there have been 3 sets of twins in the past 5 generations on my mom's side and I am a SERIOUS CHEESE LOVER. He says I have 3 forms of cheese at some meals
These statements I found most interesting:
"The continuing increase in the twinning rate into the 1990's, however, may also be a consequence of the introduction of growth-hormone treatment of cows to enhance their milk and beef production," said Dr. Steinman.
"Because multiple gestations are more prone to complications such as premature delivery, congenital defects and pregnancy-induced hypertension in the mother than singleton pregnancies, the findings of this study suggest that women contemplating pregnancy might consider substituting meat and dairy products with other protein sources, especially in countries that allow growth hormone administration to cattle."
I guess it makes a lot of sense!
Any thoughts?
Posted 5/22/06 6:31 PM |
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