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Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

So, I had the C-section on Monday, and I am now terrified of my stitches. Yes, I said terrified of them. Like they are going to pop out at any moment and leak my insides all over. I know, gross, but that's what's going through my head. I have stitches that dissolve, not staples, so they are staying in, but I am too chicken to even look at them in the mirror because I'm afraid of seeing this horrible, scary scar on my body. But I know I need to look at it to check it out everyday. I just can't bring myself to do it. So my question bad is it? I mean, I have a weak stomache. Really weak. Am I going to totally freak?
I'm so afraid of my stitches that I can't even lay down in bed. I've slept sittin up since Monday because I'm afraid if I sit up, they'll pop out. I have all these fears latelyChat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 2:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

You can lay down and go to sleep you will be fine. As for the scar thing it took me well over a month I think almost 2 before I would look at it. I was horrified too as to how bad it would be- and it's not bad Rach. I would not walk past any mirror where I could possibly see it. I was afraid to let the shower hit it full on for almost a month- all of which was silly as I think back on it now but I totally know how you are feeling Rach.Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 5:47 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

I couldnt wait to see mine-im sick like thatChat Icon

When I looked I was surprised to see the smallest, cleanist little scar....

I had staples- but i dont think it will make a difference

Posted 6/16/06 6:29 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

I couldn't look at my scar until I got home. I had staples and I really couldn't lay down. I felt the same way that they would pop openChat Icon

But they didn'tChat Icon Hang in there. It will get better soonChat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 7:46 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

Just to make you feel a little more secure about your insides coming out - the stitch you have under your skin isn't it. There are a couple of layers for the skin that they sew up. The deep one is with very strong suture and doesn't come apart with regular activity. The skin one dissolves over several weeks. Lots of women have staples in the skin that are taken out in a couple days so you have extra support there too.

Hope I didn't gross you out!

Don't worry, you'll be fine! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/16/2006 7:48:25 AM.

Posted 6/16/06 7:48 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

aww, I feel your pain. They told me when I got home to peel the tape off of the stitches. I did it while watching TV so I didn't have to look. I made my husband look at it everyday to make sure it was ok, and I didnt look for like 2 weeks. Congratulations on the little one! She is beautiful!!

Message edited 6/16/2006 9:38:02 AM.

Posted 6/16/06 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

I have the weakest stomach in the world and in all honesty, I never, not even once, looked at my stitches. It sooooooooo grossed me out and I'm getting weak just typing about it. Even now, 9 months later, I can't look at the scar or touch it Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 9:39 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

lol. im sorry to laugh, but i was the same EXACT WAY. the difference is i had staples and i was scared to move, cause i thought they would pop right out, and i definitly did NOT want to look at them. but to be honest, its not that bad, and they will be out before you know it. just take one quick peek. and then you can look at them a lil longer each day, by the time your use to them, they will be gone anyway. dont stress about the stiches, or how the scar looks. it will heal quickly and you will be so busy you wont even notice it, belive me.

Posted 6/16/06 9:51 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

Thanks girls. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I am just so afraid that if I move the wrong way, they'll just pop out! Luckily, they told me to leave the tape and let it fall off over time as I shower. Oh yeah, showering, that's a whole 'nother set of anxieties. I'm so afraid to get them wet! I've showered, but I don't think I've let the water hit them yet, I'm too freakedChat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 9:58 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

I was totally like you and I have a really weak stomach, but it's really not bad. I had the staples and the steri-strips, but the worst of it all was that the area was all *ahem* overgrown, if ya know what I mean!! 9 mos. later, though, I'm still afraid my insides will rupture if I turn the wrong way...good excuse for not doing my crunches!!

You want to hear something bizarre...I really like my scar now--it's like a tattoo commemorating my daughter!

Posted 6/16/06 10:24 AM

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

OMG Rachel - I have been having the same issues. I am paranoid to look too!
I have my DH look at them everyday for me, to make sure that everything is fine.
Especially after the other day I sneezed for the first time, I almost hit the floor, cause I thought I popped it open Chat Icon Chat Icon
But my DH reassured me that everything looks fine. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 11:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ok, so since I'm up and stuff, might as well ask another question!

The first time I took a shower in the hospital, I tried to look down at my scar and I cried. I couldn't believe what it looked like. I was afraid to sit up using my stomach muscles because I thought my staples were going to pop out. It was kinda gross in the beginning and I have a weak stomach but I got used to looking at it and it wasn't that bad. A year later, it's a tiny white faint line.

Posted 6/16/06 12:03 PM

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