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How did you know you were pregnant?

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


How did you know you were pregnant?

Besides, the obvious missed period.....

I know some women say they just know, I wonder how?

How soon did you experience being bloated, gassy?

This may be a stupid question, but how long after you ovulate does implantation occur?

Did anyone experience cramps around days 13-15 and associate them with implanation?

Thanks so much !Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/05 6:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

Do you have a regular cycle?
Do you know when you ovulate?
I am asking because if you have a "normal" 28 day cycle, your ovulation time may be days 13-15, this could be the cause of your cramps.

Good Luck, and much BDChat Icon

Posted 5/29/05 7:20 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

My biggest symptom that made me suspicious was heartburn. I had never gotten heartburn before in my life until the day before I tested and got my BFP.

I was 3 days late when I got the heartburn and 4 days late when I tested.

Posted 5/29/05 8:33 PM

Life is good!

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Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

I was not expecting to be pg but was hoping. My very first symptom was sore boobs, even when the hpt was still a bfn.

Posted 5/29/05 8:53 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

Thanks Ladies. My cycle is between 26-28 its probably ovulation....I usually don't get cramps so I was suspicious....When would implanation occur?

Thanks for your input ladies and best wishes on your pregnancy!!

Message edited 5/29/2005 9:49:21 PM.

Posted 5/29/05 9:36 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

I actually knew about 3 days after conception, I had severe cramps which i never get until the day before my period and it was not due for 2 weeks. The cramps continued throughout the 2 week wait, i was bloated and I just KNEW. Turns out i was right, and the cramps were implantation cramping. I never spotted though. hope that helped!

Posted 5/30/05 8:17 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

A pregnancy test..... I had NO clue that I was pregnant. I had taken a few during the last week of my 2ww and they were all BFN except for the last test I my surprise, it was BFP

Posted 5/31/05 7:57 AM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

I just remember some mild like af cramps a week or so before af was to come. So I am assuming that was a sign! Other than that nothing major that would make me think I was preggo, I was an early tester, I tested the day before I was due and got a negative than my af day came and went so I waited until the next day and got a positive.

Posted 5/31/05 8:42 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

I didn't have any of the telltale cramping or boobie soreness- I only had increased CM continuously after I O'd.

Posted 5/31/05 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: How did you know you were pregnant?

I think I knew right away... something felt off... I started having these wildly vivid dreams, and waking up with cold sweats. A few days after conception I was ravenous all the time, and I started getting this uncomfortable pinching feeling in my lower abdomen. And, all of a sudden I got these weird food aversions - everything I started to eat became unappetizing and I couldn't find anything I wanted to eat even though I was hungry as all hell!

Posted 5/31/05 10:40 AM

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