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Transitioning to Crib

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Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Transitioning to Crib

Kevin has pretty much outgrown his bassinett. We're going to have to move him to his crib but I'm so nervous about him being by himself in his room. I wasnt to keep him close by but I know the longer we wait the harder it will be.

How is it having your baby in their own room?

Posted 1/5/06 5:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Transitioning to Crib

Nerve wracking at first since we had a hard transition with Joseph. Maddie would actually point that she wanted to go to her crib when she was tired.

Once you get used to it, it's great. No more worries about waking up the baby when DH gets up to make his train or needs to find clothes, etc.

Posted 1/5/06 5:31 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Transitioning to Crib

I think it was worse for me then it was for Ryan....but now...we're all fine with it!

I got the angel care monitor- it helps me not to worry alot!

Posted 1/5/06 5:32 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib

I am going through this right now....I don't want to let him goChat Icon far, we've only been using the crib for naps but we will be moving him FT soonChat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 5:35 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Transitioning to Crib

I'm having the same problem with Julia, she sleeps with us right now and its fine, but I want her to get use to her crib at night, during the day she takes naps in it so I know shes ok with it. I'm thinking about buying one of the T.V. monitors so I can watch her, I thnk that will help me sleep better at night knowing shes up in her room alone. Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 5:54 PM

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