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Anyone get heart palpitations?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


Anyone get heart palpitations?

I have been getting these annoying heart palps for the past year, everyday!! =( I have been checked out and have gone through tests for my heart, and they can't find anything. Just looking to see if anyone else gets these and how you deal with them? They worry me. Thanks so much!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/13/2006 8:49:12 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 8:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

When I was in 8th grade, I would get really bad palpitations where I could not breath for the split second in which it was happening.

I went to the nurse and she found a "double heart beat" and my mom took me to the ER. I was released and went to my GP who hooked me up to a heart monitor for 24 hours.

Turns out I have mitro valve prolapse. It occurs in about 25% of people.

His advice is to stay away from caffeine and try to avoid stress as it can impact the number of palpitations that occur.

I would ask your GP if you can be hooked up to the heart monitor.

HTH!! Good luck Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 8:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

i get them and if i get to many i use a xanax for them. but if they are not to bad a benadryle will help just as well. but go to the doc again, it never hurts to be careful

Posted 7/13/06 8:58 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I get them. When I finally had to go get checked out, it was "unexplained chest pains" but they found a murmur.

I just breathe out slow when they happen. Usually takes a good 15 minutes before I'm fine.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 9:01 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

same here!
sometimes I get them really bad along with pain. I have been tothe ER a few times. The last time I was there the beats were so wacky that they thought I was having a heart attackChat Icon
I have been through all the tests... I wore the 24-hr holter monitor, had EKGs, echos, stress echo, blood tests, etc. I was even tested for a blood clot that they thought may be caused from the pill. The results are I have Atrial Fibrillation, but the drs said that for some people that is just the way there heart is... for extreme cases there are medications or a pacemaker, but for me there is nothing. This is just the way I am. My heart is palpitating alll day long, but I only notice it when my heart starts beating fast, which happens for no reason (like it sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night)
My dr. did mention that the birth contral pill may be a cause of it... so I plan on stopping it oon. I also don't drink caffeine and I do exercise regularly... which is important.

Posted 7/13/06 9:04 PM

Y'all come back now, ya hear!!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I get them once in a while. It totally paralyzes for for a couple of seconds. I have Anxiety disorder, as well as a heart murmur.

Posted 7/13/06 9:05 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I get them every once in awhile. Because they were only so often I never got them checked out. I think its stress and when I was drinking too much caffeine.

Posted 7/13/06 9:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

Thanks ladies! Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/06 4:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I get them fairly often. If you have worn the halter monitor and nothing was found - i wouldnt worry about them. The problem is if they last a really long time and you start to panic, you can go into a panic attack and start hyperventilating, etc.... I usually just take a seat down and try to regulate my breathing and they usually go away in a couple of minutes.

Posted 7/14/06 5:04 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I have recently started feeling a weird fluttering in my chest. Is that what it feels like? Almost like an extra beat?

Posted 7/14/06 5:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

Posted by MrsDiamondgrlie

I have recently started feeling a weird fluttering in my chest. Is that what it feels like? Almost like an extra beat?

Mine are extremely fast beats - about 200 and more per minute. you can actually see my heart beating out of my chest. for others it is scary but i have been getting them as long as i can remember so they never concerned me - i just thought it was normal.... While it's not normal, if you get it checked out and they dont find any of the problems like the readers described above, its really nothing to be too concerned with either.

Posted 7/14/06 5:21 PM

Better than the news!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

Posted by julz33

same here!
sometimes I get them really bad along with pain. I have been tothe ER a few times. I have been through all the tests... I wore the 24-hr holter monitor, had EKGs, echos, stress echo, blood tests, etc.

Same for me, I have also had a nuclear stress test & chest xrays, all tests normal Thank God.
They think I have anxiety so I also take xanax when I get them, seems to help. Chat Icon

ETA: I also have very mild mital valve prolapse but it wouldn't cause my pain.

Message edited 7/14/2006 5:25:19 PM.

Posted 7/14/06 5:23 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

3843 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I'm so comforted to know I'm not alone. I get palpitations and long periods of rapid heart beat and sometimes I think I feel my heart stopping. I've even spent the night at St. Francis because I insisted something was terribly wrong. All tests come back fine. I think it's a combo of my body reacting strongly to stress and me being slightly crazy.

Posted 7/14/06 5:27 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Anyone get heart palpitations?

I get them every once in awhile, but no other symptoms. Do you take any kinds of medications? My Dr. told me that inhalers for asthma (albuterol) can cause them (although i haven't used mine for months and still get the palpitations.)

Posted 7/14/06 7:49 PM

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