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PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

last night, I fell asleep!!!!

Posted 5/8/06 9:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

1042 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

yes i want to know too. I just keep reading something happened with a pregnant woman, BUT WHAT???

Posted 5/8/06 9:43 AM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy


I just got this online:
Damage Case
Aired on 2006.05.07

Izzie and Meredith share a morning moment with Creepy Callie when she comes into the bathroom topless, pulls down her red lace panties, pees right in front of them, and leaves without washing her hands. Later, Creepy Crazy Callie assures George that she washed her hands in the kitchen and makes George promise to stand up for her and tell his roommates that she's not creepy, crazy, or unsanitary. Unfortunately, in doing so she comes off as creepy and crazy. As for unsanitary, well, she's still sleeping in the boiler room.
An Alabama family gets involved in a major car crash that starts off as a bit funny, with the accents and the Big Jim and the mother powdering her face while in traction, but quickly turns tragic as the pregnant daughter goes in for every kind of emergency surgery. Although the young mother-to-be dies, Alexhole saves the tiny baby and possibly learns something about life and sensitivity, but I'm not holding my breath. Meredith holds the hand of a surgery intern from another hospital who caused the car crash after he feel asleep at the wheel following a twelve-hour surgery. Acting on his McVet issues, McDreamy is nasty to Meredith which culminates him in accusing her of sleeping around. Meredith immediately retaliates by delivering a kickass speech that might as well have been a swift, sharp kick to the nads. McDreamy then (belatedly) announces that they are so over but runs away before she can really "Um? DUH!" him. McVet cooks and tells Meredith she's damaged, but so is he, so it's all good.

Also, Denny collapses in the hallway, after which Izzie shoves chocolate down his throat and forces him to read tabloids in an attempt to make him see what he'd be missing if he gave up the ghost.

Posted 5/8/06 10:35 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

..and after crawling into his tiny hopsital bed with him, Denny asked Izzie if it would be inappropriate for him to feel her up...!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/06 10:41 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

OMG! When the mother died and they did an emergency c-section to save the baby...I was bawling. Then the intern wanted to say sorry to the woman's family and the woman's father went into the room and held his hand then the intern and the father were crying.

Being 38 weeks preggo, I can't watch Greys anymore. They should have a disclaimer before the show to warn preggos to get a box of tissues before it comes on.

Posted 5/8/06 10:45 AM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

Posted by dandr10199

OMG! When the mother died and they did an emergency c-section to save the baby...I was bawling. Then the intern wanted to say sorry to the woman's family and the woman's father went into the room and held his hand then the intern and the father were crying.

this is what made me cry.. Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/06 10:51 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: PLEASE TELL ME..what happened on Grey's Anatomy

I think seeing the father forgive the intern, it made George realize that he had to move on and forgive Meredith...

Duh finally....

I cried so much last night...

Message edited 5/8/2006 11:06:58 AM.

Posted 5/8/06 11:06 AM

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