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Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05 5857 total posts
Name: Lois
moms of 4 month olds
would some of you care to share your little one's schedule. I basically have DS on a schedule, but now that we've added solids I feel like we're still on the same schedule just with more added and I'm wondering if I'm doing it right. TIA
Posted 8/28/06 11:06 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 628 total posts
Name: Annemarie
Re: moms of 4 month olds
schedule? whats that???
Posted 8/28/06 11:31 AM |
Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05 5857 total posts
Name: Lois
Re: moms of 4 month olds
Posted 8/28/06 3:35 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: moms of 4 month olds
I wish I had one to share with you
Posted 8/28/06 4:12 PM |
Re: moms of 4 month olds
I will give you his schedule but I haven't started solids so I dont know if it will help but here it is anywhere.
6:30/&7 am 1st bottle 9:30/10am 2nd bottle 12:30/1pm 3rd bottle 3:30/4pm 4th bottle 6pm 5th and final bottle
All the bottles are 7oz. I put him down for his first nap right after his first bottle and he usually wakes up right around the time for the 2nd bottle. The other naps depend on the day. Now I did try to give him ceral for a few days and what I did was give it to him right before his 2nd bottle and the follow with the formula.
Posted 8/28/06 4:17 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 628 total posts
Name: Annemarie
Re: moms of 4 month olds
We really dont have a schedule. But I will share an average day:
8AM-1st Bottle 11Am-2nd Bottle plus Cereal 2PM- 3rd Bottle 5PM-4th Bottle 8PM- 5th Bottle plus cereal. He usually sleeps abput 6 hours and wakes up at about 2AM. The past few days, he has been sleeping through the night. I think its a fluke though. 2AM-Bottle 5or 6AM-Bottle
This varies every day honestly. But he usually eats every 3 hours
Posted 8/28/06 4:31 PM |
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