no longer swaddled- what do you sleep your baby in?
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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05 421 total posts
Name: Amy
no longer swaddled- what do you sleep your baby in?
My son is no longer being swaddled, but wakes up for diaper changes/feedings still. his gowns are getting tight. what do you sleep your babies in?
Posted 5/15/06 11:50 AM |
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LIF Infant
Member since 5/06 341 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: no longer swaddled- what do you sleep your baby in?
I usually go with something like this:
or if its warm, something like this:
Posted 5/15/06 4:06 PM |
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Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: no longer swaddled- what do you sleep your baby in?
I also dress my DD in footie PJs to sleep and sometimes in a onesie (short sleeve) with comfy pants if it is warm in our upstairs apartment.
Also someone recommended at around 6 weeks that we stopped doing diaper changes for those middle of the night feedings, just quick feed and back to bed and it helped so much. The diapers hold up very well --- and it helped so that she stayed sleepy in the middle of the night and wasn't wide awake.
Posted 5/15/06 6:11 PM |
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Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: no longer swaddled- what do you sleep your baby in?
We use a sleep sack.
Posted 5/15/06 9:51 PM |
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