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Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

I am 38 wks pregnant and I had to go to the dr for antibiotics today. The dr wrote me out a prescription for antibiotics because I have something on my tonsils. He did a quick strep test but it came back ok so he did a culture and is sending it to a lab to see what it is. In the meantime, I told him that if I happen to have this baby while taking this antibiotic, can I breastfeed and he said no. Now I am afraid that I will end up having this baby while taking this and not be able to BF. So my question is, if that is the case, can I pump and dump it for the rest of the days so I build a supply and hopefully I can BF when the antibiotics run out? Please help.

Posted 2/28/06 3:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

That's exactly what I would do, I would pump and dump so your milk would still come in. If that becomes the case, I would def call a lact. consultant and get their opinion too and a hospital grade pump.

Hopefully the baby waits to come til the antibiotics are out of your system before he/she comesChat Icon
Even if baby comes and you can't BF from the breast, at least when the meds are out your baby can still get breast milk.

Best wishes, and feel better

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Posted 2/28/06 3:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

I hope so. Please hope this baby gives me time to get through these antibiotics so I can try to BF. Also, If I pump and dump, will the baby NOT take to BF since they won't be used to it from day one?Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 3:43 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

Yes definitely pump & dump.

If you really want to increase your supply - the first few days when your milk comes in pump as much as you can. Your body is attempting to figure out how much to make for your baby (ie maybe you had twins, triplets, etc.) - so it makes a lot. The less you pump out, the less you'll produce.

I agree a lactation consultant would be great - you should try to get as much information in the hospital as you can so you don't have to pay for it out of your pocket (they're often not covered by ins.)

Most people on this site say you need hosp grade pumps, but I did fine with my Medela Pump in Style. The first week my son was born, I was unable to nurse him more than 10 minutes since he was a preemie. So I pumped a lot (but saved for future use). Keeping your supply up shouldn't be a problem.

Posted 2/28/06 3:47 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

I took a breastfeeding class and I'm pretty sure the lactation consultant said that you can BF while on antibiotics. Chat Icon Beter to be safe though especially if your doctor said not to. Hopefully you'll be off the antibiotics by the time baby gets here.

eta: I just found this list of antibiotics that are safe when breastfeeding . Maybe you could talk to your doctor about being on one of these medications or talk to your pediatrician or a lactation consultant about whether they think you can BF. It would be a shame to have to sacrafice BF.

Message edited 2/28/2006 4:17:41 PM.

Posted 2/28/06 4:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

Thank you. I specifically told the dr that I want to BF and asked if I could if the baby comes and I am taking the antibiotic. He said NO but perhaps I will be done with them by the time the baby comes. I hope so.
I guess he feels I needed something stronger since I already took antibiotics and still have it three weeks later.Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 7:23 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Question about breastfeeding. Pls help.

Well, I wouldn't take the antibiotics until you know FOR SURE if it's bacterial. So many throat infections are viral and they give you antibiotics anyway. Hang in there. I hope it works outChat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 7:25 PM

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