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Winthrop moms...some questions

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Member since 5/05

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Winthrop moms...some questions

I was reading on their website about the "New Life Center"...

is it as cozy as they describe?
"Our goal is to provide a home-like birth experience within the safety of a hospital environment"
"gourmet meals?"

did you take any of the educational programs while you were there (post delivery?)
To enhance your parenting skills, several classes, including "Baby Care" and "Breastfeeding", are offered on the Maternity Unit. Educational videotapes are available for viewing in your room, and written information will be provided to you before discharge. Additionally, the Hospital's closed circuit TV network (WPHN) offers a Parenting/ Newborn Channel that airs educational tapes

or any classes there prior to delivery?


Posted 1/25/06 7:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

My experiences were good there, but I have no other hospital experience to compare it too, KWIM? I won't be good to describe any L&D stuff because I came in and went right in for the c/s.

Prior to delivery, I took the Lamaze, which I thought was good interms of learning all your options, not so much for breathing Chat Icon . Plus, you get a tour of the L&D and the maternity floor.

I also took an "intro" class, which was supposed to have a doc/nurse tell you things, but they never showed up so it was a waste for us. They did show some slides that I can't even remember what it was about.

I took the Breastfeeding class myself (DH had to work) and I found it slightly informative, but had I not gone, I would have been no worse off. I thought the class was too big, there were a few ladies who monopolized the 1+ hour class, and I felt like they talked about the same thing over and over. I did get a few things out of it though, so it wasn't a "complete" waste.

The baby care class was a complete waste IMO. Maybe because I grew up babysitting and taking care of younger children, but there was nothing they said I did not know.... I mean if you can't diaper a baby by now, then take the class Chat Icon

AS far as being in the hospital, I had a private room, which I loved being I was there for 4 days. I will do it again if I end up having another c/s. But I will say that nothing is luxurious, by any means. The rooms are old and such, and reminded me of a college dorm. From what I remember, the L&D rooms are very nice.

I had some wonderful nurses, and some very cold ones Chat Icon Since I had a c/s, I was on a liquid diet for 3+ days, but when that th day came and I ordered the breakfast, lunch and dinner, I didn't think it was that bad. I was hungry and I ate it all.

If you want to know anything else, just send me a FM.

Posted 1/25/06 7:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

The L&D rooms are awesome! I felt like I was at a nice hotel. All the instruments and stuff are hidden in the wall that the pull out when the baby comes. The L&D staff are great. The nurses in maternity are another story. Not as nice as L&D. I took the classes too. I knew nothing about babies soneeded all the help i could get.

Posted 1/25/06 9:24 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

I was in the L&D rooms and they were so nice...but I soon got wheeled out of there for the c-section. I have to say, the food was AMAZING. I LOVED looking at the menu and picking our all the was delish!!

Posted 1/25/06 10:28 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

333 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

I agree, the rooms are very nice and I also loved picking out my meals for the day. Great food!

Posted 1/26/06 6:19 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

The food actually was very good. The labor and delivery part was nice and I paid for a private room and I thought it was so worth it!

I really had no complaints about the hospital.

Posted 1/26/06 10:07 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

I liked the rooms at Winthrop. The L&D room was sooo nice, it was large, and had a big window, it seemed like a hotel, then when you are ready to push all the instruments come out of hidden cabinets. The maternity ward was what you would expect of a standard hospital, they gave me a private room for free due to having a difficult c/s and being in pain. I will say that I thought the food was great, I loved picking out my menu each day!.....

Previous to delivery we took a lamaze class, it was informative but not really necessary. And we took a tour which was nice

Posted 1/26/06 10:26 AM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

thank you!

Posted 1/26/06 11:15 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/09

11 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

I am very interested in the home like birth experience? Where did you go? I will like to be more informed about it and talk to someone. Any suggestions?



Posted 10/6/09 7:11 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

LOL I was about to reply with a Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon, Lisa. I thought you were preggo again. I was confused too...I knew we used the same office... Thank God for the warning about the age of the thread.

Since I'm on the thread, I did like the Chicken Caesar Salad at Winthrop....I took it off the tray as I was being discharged to take home LOL

Posted 10/7/09 9:12 AM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Winthrop moms...some questions

ok, wow old thread!

Having delivered there TWICE now since the original post, I can say I had a good experience but it was not "home-like" nor were the meals "gourmet". Chat Icon

Caesar salad was good, and I wasn't really interested much in eating anyway.

I didn't take any classes.

Message edited 10/7/2009 9:31:52 AM.

Posted 10/7/09 9:31 AM

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