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when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

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boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

Im so confused with this whole eating solids thing, currently Bryan is almost 9 months and eating stage 2's and a little bit of stage 3 and puffs but he is not crawling yet and he has a hard time self feeding the puffs to himself he can never get them in and he screams until I put it in his mouth.

Posted 3/16/06 5:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Family!

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Re: when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

Its funny you post this cause Julia is almost 9 mths and she is doing the same thing Bryan is doing, shes on stage 2 foods also and I give her the puffs but she cant get them in her mouth to good, so she waits for me to put one in. I haven't started the stage 3 foods yet, she doesnt have any teeth yet I get nervous of her choking.

Message edited 3/16/2006 5:37:23 PM.

Posted 3/16/06 5:36 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

Cheerios were the first finger food for my daughter, followed by peas.

Posted 3/16/06 6:07 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

I think the wagon wheels and bitter biscuits are a little easier for them to handle at first to feed themselves. Nate is 9.5 months and just getting the hang of using his index finger and thumb to pick up the puffs.

I'm still not really sure what to give for table food or how to introduce it. The Dr. told me 9 months, but I'll ask him more about it at Nate's appt on Monday. I just started to give Nate waffles and he loves them. I break one into thirds and he holds one in each hand. Today, I gave him a stage 3 dinner for the first time. He handled the chunks of carrots and pasta pretty well.

Posted 3/16/06 7:02 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: when did you start table food and what did you start giving?

I did puffs first around 8.5 months - it took him a good 2 weeks to reallyget the hang of self feeding. Once he was good with that I moved to cheerios and bits of cheese here and there. My dr said not to rush it. At 10 months he ate a few more things like broken up wagon wheels, more cheese, teething cookies, bagels, Italian bread, and eggs. It wasn't until he was about 11 months where I started offering table food more regularly (he started to boycott baby food then too). I wouldn't rush baby food is so easy.

Message edited 3/17/2006 11:02:35 AM.

Posted 3/17/06 11:02 AM

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