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kicks feel weaker

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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


kicks feel weaker

I'm guessing this is fairly normal since it's probably getting tighter in there, but I feel like the baby's kicks aren't as strong at they once were. I used to be able to see my stomach bouncing from the outside for a minute or so at a time. Now there are just little bounces and not for as long. Don't get me wrong, I feel him move throughout the day, every day. I just don't feel it as stronlgy from the outside. Plus he seems to sometimes kick really low in my pelvis.

Posted 7/21/06 5:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

81 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

I think its normal.When I was pregant with M during the last few months I could feel her move but not as much as she used to.She would stick her foot right up at my ribs.

Posted 7/21/06 5:53 PM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

1093 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

How far along are you? With my DD the last few weeks i didnt feel any kicks anymore, it was more like rolling in there and stretching. It looked like i had an alien in my stomach.

Posted 7/21/06 5:53 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

I felt him alot around 20-23 weeks, now I'm 27 weeks.

Posted 7/21/06 6:07 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

It will turn more into rolls and you will see your whole stomach move from one side to the otherChat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 6:13 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

I believe as you get further along they will because the baby is starting to run out of room.It is normal

Posted 7/23/06 9:58 AM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

I am sure it's fine. I stopped feeling kicks and just started feeling rolls. He would roll all over the place. He started rolling at about the same weeks you are.

I showed this once before but I am doing it again because I think it is so neatChat Icon

Message edited 7/23/2006 10:01:52 AM.

Posted 7/23/06 10:00 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: kicks feel weaker

I'm 28 weeks and I actually feel him moving more and the kicks are a bit stronger. But in my case I believe that is mostly because he really wasn't too active at weeks 20, 22, 22, like some people say their babies are. My belly definitely jumps up/down and the kicks to ME feel stronger.. but everyone is different, its how the baby is growing/positioned, if the placenta is anterior, etc.....

I have had some SERIOUS problems with him kicking me in the pelvic region and bladder this entire week. Yesterday he was in such a weird spot that I could hardly walk the pain was BAD. Luckily he moved today and I feel a lot better.

Posted 7/23/06 12:31 PM

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