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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

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just the girls

Member since 5/05

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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

after becoming pregnant? I took pre natal for 1 day and got severly sick Had to call the doctor- so he said to come in to see which one agrees with me but NO WAY I was puking all night from just 1 pre natal vit ( Im not PG yet) but I wanted to get my body ready with the right nutrients- I am the worst eater in the world 0 fruit 0 veggies.

Posted 5/12/05 5:20 PM
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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I took prenatals when I was TTC and I didn't have any problem, but I have heard about some vitamins that are better with your stomach like flintstones chewables

Posted 5/12/05 5:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I took Walmart Prenatals when we were TTC.. and then switched to Prenate Elite when we got a BFP. I love Prenate Elite I never got sick and they have a stool softner in them... which I believe has helped alot.

Posted 5/12/05 5:37 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

Posted by -Laurie-

I took Walmart Prenatals when we were TTC.. and then switched to Prenate Elite when we got a BFP. I love Prenate Elite I never got sick and they have a stool softner in them... which I believe has helped alot.

thank you!!! I will tell the doctor that one.

Posted 5/12/05 5:41 PM

My Loves

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

the pre-natals made me sick at fist too. I started taking them before I went to bed and never had that problem again.

Posted 5/12/05 6:23 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

The prenatals made me sick in the beginning also but no, I wasn't TTC so I wasn't doing anything to prep my body for pregnancy.

Posted 5/12/05 6:32 PM

My Everything

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

Posted by dee7772

the pre-natals made me sick at fist too. I started taking them before I went to bed and never had that problem again.

This is what I do and they have never made me sick.

Posted 5/12/05 6:43 PM


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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

Posted by monkeybride

Posted by dee7772

the pre-natals made me sick at fist too. I started taking them before I went to bed and never had that problem again.

This is what I do and they have never made me sick.

I do the same and have never been sick from them.

Posted 5/12/05 6:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

When I got the BFP, I started taking the Target brand prenatal vitamins. I don't eat as much veggies as I should but I try to get in my fruit.

Posted 5/12/05 7:45 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I took folic acid before getting pregnant and then I took prenatals after. They say it's best to take them right before you go to bed.

Posted 5/12/05 9:58 PM

Life is good!

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I took a one a day vitamin while ttc and started taking citrical when I got pg. It made me sick- I have switched to Prenate Elite which are a little betterbut still make me sick. I have found if I take them the second before I go to sleep it is better.

I hate taking them, but have decided to suck it up anyway. I don't eat that well, and have heard bad things about not taking them.

Posted 5/12/05 10:47 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I was taking a regular multivitamin with 400 mcg of folic acid BEFORE getting PG, then after getting PG, I switched to a multi with 800 mcg of folic acid.

If the prenatals make you sick, you can take regular flinstone vitamins

Posted 5/13/05 9:31 AM

My boys

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I am like you and eat NO fruit or veggies (except corn and lettuce) so I was very worried.

Before getting pregnant I was taking a Multivitamin (w/ 400 mcg flic acid). The day I found out I was pregnant I took PM prenatals, When I had my first apt the Dr gave me an Rx for Citracal Prenatals with stool softener. I've never had a problem with prenatals but I be sure to take them with dinner just in caseChat Icon .

I've discussed my lack of fruits and veggies with my dr and she said you can't make yourself like them so just be sure to eat what I can and be sure to take my prenatals every day.

Posted 5/13/05 11:29 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/12

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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I was taking one a day prenatal before I was pregnant during lunch time and never had a problem. I usually had problems if I didn't eat with it. Now that I'm pregnant I still take them during lunch plus extra folic acid. Im 30 weeks and Baby is growing great.

Posted 8/21/12 10:00 PM

Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08

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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I started taking prenats when we were TTC. I take them right before bed since any earlier i get a stomach ache. Just keep trying until you find one that works for you Chat Icon Good Luck TTC!

Posted 8/21/12 10:09 PM

car seat tech & geek :-)

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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I hate vitamins!! Normally a regular vitamins hurt my stomach. Since becoming pg I've been taking Rainbow Light prenatals as well as DHA (cvs's version of expecta). Neither hurt my stomach at all.

Posted 8/22/12 8:01 AM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

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Re: I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

try the gummies!

ETA - i see this is like a billion years old. Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2012 8:24:29 AM.

Posted 8/22/12 8:23 AM

Be happy always

Member since 1/07

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I have 2 questions- Did any of you take Pre- Natal Vit and or did you change your diet...

I can not swallow any sort of pills and used the gummies in the beginning. Those combined w m/s made me even sicker. I found Belly Bar chewables to be just fine. Walgreens carries them. They do not leave an after taste either.

Posted 8/22/12 12:38 PM

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