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constipation in babies??? *updated with what worekd for us!)

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wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


constipation in babies??? *updated with what worekd for us!)

I think Samantha is constipated now - yesterday she was gassy but now she hasn't pooped since last night (normally she is a machine when it comes to this Chat Icon ) - what can I do to help the poor bean? She seems fine in terms of eating but cries and then stops herself from time to time.....

edited to add - I updated with a random tip we got from another parent...that worked like a charm...and made her feel so much better!

Message edited 10/7/2006 6:44:47 PM.

Posted 10/7/06 12:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: constipation in babies???

my guy was a pooping machine! at about week 8-9 he really slowed down to only one or two a day
I would not worry yet - I was told with BFing that one every 48 hours is OK, I don't know about formula

Posted 10/7/06 1:32 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: constipation in babies???

ok, so we actually got a tip from a friend who has a daughter....he said to wet a q-tip and gently stick it in her first I said he-l-l-l no! but after watching her squirm even I deicded to take matters into my own hands (man I wish dh didn't work today) - and so I went for it....just a little....well, a few hrs later still nothing and so I tried againand slid it further -it produced a little poop immediately but not forward to the next feeding where I check again and see nothing so I strap her in, leave her airing her butt on the changing table and go wet another q-tip.....only to return to find my baby squirting out more poop than we've seen yet as I stand in awe holding a qtip and laughing....I mean, my lord, who knew she could hold that much - no wonder she has been so uncomfy....Chat Icon....and it continued - every time she seemed to finish and I would wipe squirt, squirt....a true now my baby is so much better..and she is exhausted and napping in the swing! Chat Icon

I also researched online and it said its ok for now, and as a breast fed baby, only a problem if she doesn't poop for 7 days (!!!!!!) Chat Icon...i could never imagine 7 days of her like that!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/7/06 6:05 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: constipation in babies??? *updated with what worekd for us!)

Yes, sometimes a little stimulation is all that is neededChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/06 6:14 AM

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