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cost of diapers, formula per month?

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Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


cost of diapers, formula per month?

I'm trying to get prepared for my maternity leave and living on the measly funds NYS Disability supplys.

Can you tell me approximately how much you spend on diapers & formula per month for a newborn?


Posted 8/30/06 10:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: cost of diapers, formula per month?

We go through about a can of powdered formula a week. I use the $5 off coupons I get from Similac and friends, so I end up paying around $17-20, give or take a few $, a week.

Diapers, I never really analyzed it, but I NEVER buy them with out a sale AND a coupon. A case lasts about 2-3 weeks and it costs on average $25 (depends on size and brand, so that's a broad estimate).

Posted 8/30/06 10:16 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: cost of diapers, formula per month?

1 can of formula per week 24 oz = $23 minus $5 or $7 off couponChat Icon

Diapers = 8-10 a day - I stock up on them when they are on sale. I like CVS brand or BRU bran and CVS just had buy one get one 1/2 price. ~$12 for 170 diapers. So ~ $24-30 per month on diapers.

Formula = average $18
Diapers = average $24
Wipes = average $10 (I abuse wipesChat Icon )

Monthly = $52Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 10:49 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: cost of diapers, formula per month?

That's actually a lot better than what I thought it would be.

I'm so stressed about budgeting for the 3 mos I will be on maternity leave. It's going to be difficult not getting my paychecks, but I know the experience of spending that time with my new baby girl will be priceless! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 10:54 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: cost of diapers, formula per month?

I know it's not common, but I want to tell you that my daughter is on prescription formula that is not covered by my insurance and it costs me $40 a can and a can only lasts me two days. I never even thought that this might be a remote possibility for my daugther before she was born, and I definitely wish I knew beforehand that she could end up needing something like this. So I would make sure if you're budgeting, you at least keep in the back of your mind that it is possible your child may need something like this.

Posted 8/30/06 11:16 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: cost of diapers, formula per month?

I use ready to feed which is more money so a case of 6 for him is $36 because of the formula he is on. Not as expensive as some of the others but a dollar does add up over time. I also use the powder but for some reason when I use it, it gets extremly suddsy and it is hard to judge how much he actually drank and I really dont want him drinking all that extra air so I only use it when I know we are going out for the day and their will not be a fridge for me to store it. The 6 cans lasts me about 5.5 days. He use to drink a can a day but now he drinks 35oz a day. As far as diapers a pack of size 3's which has 40 diapers in it last about 8 days. I only purchased diapers a few times when he was really little because he would leak through everything. DH brought diapers from work so I didnt have to pay for them. He goes through a pack of size 3's which has 40 daipers in about 8 days. He use to go through more when he was smaller. The ones I plan on getting when I have to buy diapers are LUVS. They are more inexpensive than Huggies and Papmers and actually fit DS so much better. Like another poster I also abuse wips. I go through a bag of wipes in about 3 weeks. The bag has 240 wipes in it and it is $7.99 for the Huggies one. I try to use coupons for everything when I have them but I rarely get them. My doctor also gives m a case of formula everytime I see but I wont see her again until October. I also noticed that sometimes the supermarkets are cheaper for formula than BRU or BBB. Its not always the case depending on the store but a few cents does add up. Hope this helps. One thing that I wasn't really prepared for was how quickly he would grow out of his strechies. He is 4.5 months old and is wearing 6-9 months because he is long. I thought he would still be in 3-6 and I hardly received any cloths at my shower. Hope this helps.

Posted 8/31/06 8:26 AM

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