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Daycare vs. Nanny

Forum Opinion Poll
Daycare 12 44.44%
Nanny 5 18.52%
Stay at home 10 37.04%

DayCare Vs. Nanny

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Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

2636 total posts


DayCare Vs. Nanny

I am contemplating daycare versus hiring a nanny a few days a week. What do you girls do?


Posted 9/21/05 10:10 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

Message edited 8/31/2011 4:46:34 PM.

Posted 9/21/05 11:15 PM

My Girls!

Member since 5/05

2688 total posts


Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

I agree with Barbara. For me the day care works the best. Delaney is such a great little girl and I have to give credit to the day care she is in. We love that she is so happy there and with children her own age.

Posted 9/22/05 8:36 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

For the beginning we wanted a Nanny. Later on when he gets older I like the idea of daycare and it's socializing. But we wanted a nanny for the first few months so he could get the one-on-one attention we feel he should be getting right now and so that he could stay home, comfortable in familiar surroundings.

But, a nanny is out of our price range so we chose day care in the home of the sitter. It's kind of a good compromise. There are far less children than at a daycare, and he gets to be inside a home.

Posted 9/22/05 8:57 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

I use to work at a daycare and seeing what goes on and the class of people who are caring for your children
I would go with a nanny
With a daycare you have very few people who really care about the kids (reason I left)
I did it for the kids and not the money, they pay very little to the employees
and most of the time its social time for them
JMOChat Icon

Posted 9/22/05 8:58 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

just a different POV-
I was a nanny for 3 years. Mainly in the summer months, the older girl was in kindergarden when I started, and the other little girl was 3. They wanted them to have a break and enjoy the summer instead of being rushed out of the house to daycare.(which the younger one went to a great one, that they did enjoy) but the parents wanted to break up their year.

So I did it for 3 years. I would get to their home at 7, kids would wake at 8, ate breakfast, went in the pool till about 10. They would get dressed, and then we were out for the day. Everyday. Wether it was biking through a park, or the library, the zoo, Busch Gardens, a kid's movie, the aquariam.

Then as they got older, and made friends in their neighborhood, play dates were set up and I would go along, to watch them in the pool or whatever.

They were around other kids all the time. A lot of the activites we did were cheap, since I was a student, Blair was young(the 3 yr old) and Catherine was a student.

Posted 9/22/05 10:02 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

I have been using the babysitter/nanny route so far. I work from home 2 days so only need some one three days. First I had my cousin as my nanny. now a friend is my nanny. Eventually, I will have to have someone else when my friend can't do it anymore but I would stay with nanny route. Day care isn't as flexible with our work hours and commmute.

Posted 9/22/05 10:12 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

I will be staying at home and using family. I don't feel comfortable with nanny or daycare until my child can talk. I am sure that is just never been a mom paranoia and our plan may change eventually but right now that is what both DH and I want.

Posted 9/22/05 10:40 AM

My Girls!

Member since 5/05

2688 total posts


Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

Whatever you and your DH are most comfortable with is the best choice. You have to be happy where your child is. Just make sure you do the research associated with finding a nanny or day care. There will always be pros and cons on this topic.

I think everyone's first choice would be to be SAHM's but in today's generation, this decision is almost taken from most of us. You'll make the right decision! Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/05 12:33 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

My mom will be watching Jesse when I return to work in one week. Daycare wasn't really an option for us because DH's schedule always changes and we wouldn't need day care all five days but we'd have to pay for it anyway. Also, you have to consider your child getting sick - most parents I know who have kids in day care also have kids who get sick more often.

Personally, if I didn't have my mom, I'd rather have a nanny. I feel better knowing my son would be in familiar surroundings with his own toys and crib, and I don't have to wake him up or alter his schedule. It's going to be a big enough change not seeing mommy all day. When he's older I would consider day care for the socializing aspect.

Posted 9/22/05 1:42 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

Even though my FH watches marissa during the day while I am at work I want to put her in day care I want her to inter act with other kids and learn to share plus the one that I am going to look into has a teacher that comes in everyday for an hour. I think she will have fun and she won't have the separation anxiety.

Posted 9/22/05 1:59 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: DayCare Vs. Nanny

Message edited 8/31/2011 4:46:26 PM.

Posted 9/22/05 4:17 PM

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