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Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes, every night. 10 14.08%
Yes, some nights. 10 14.08%
No, never. 42 59.15%
Used to, but not anymore. 9 12.68%

Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

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Life is good!

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Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

And what are your thoughts on the subject?

Also if your baby does, how old are they? If they used to, how old when they stopped?

Posted 5/3/06 8:42 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

The only time Hayley comes in my bed to sleep is when she gets up at 5 or 6am and won't go back to sleep. I'll bring her in my bed and she will eventually go back to sleep. I don't fall asleep until she does but at least I am laying down.

Posted 5/3/06 8:45 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Somenights he does like once a week. Hwoever in the beginning from about 1-5 months it was more frequent. He had colic, gas and was and still is a difficult sleeper. We used to use the snuggle nest. I think it was mostly at 3-4 months. It gradually got better. Now he usually falls asleep in our bed and then I will put him in his crib.

I was the type of person that said I would never let a baby sleep in my bed. However I learned that sometimes you have to do what works.

When I put the baby in the bed I wake dh to tell him and we remove our pillows.

Posted 5/3/06 8:46 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Julia is 10 mths, and she has been sleeping with us since she was 2 mths old. We dont have a problem with it at all, but I would love for her to start sleeping in her crib soon, but its going to be harder on me then on her. I put her in the crib for naps but she will not sleep in it for long, she takes longer naps laying next to me on the couch. This is going to be VERY difficult for us when we want her to start sleeping in her crib at night. Chat Icon I dont know what to do? Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 9:08 AM

My Everything

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

She slept in our bed quite a bit in the beginning in my arms or in the snuggle nest. Because of her reflux we tried moving her to the Amby hammock bed in our room and she slept in there until about 6 months old. Some night she would sleep half the night with us.
At 6 months we tried the crib because she was waking constantly and none of us were getting any sleep. It was a smooth transition and she started sleeping through the night. We realize now that she is a light sleeper and more than likely was waking with every noise we made.
I think cosleeping is great if it is working out and everyone is getting sleep. Also I think it is important to co sleep safely so that you don't put your baby at risk.
Personally I will try co sleeping with my next baby as well. I can not imagine having my newborn so far away from me and in a giant crib all by him/herself.
I have friends that still cosleep with their 15 month old and newborn and they love it.

Posted 5/3/06 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

I should clarify my "yes but not anymore answer". Molly never started out in our bed as a baby. She always went down in her bassinet or crib. When she was waking every 2-3 hours for food I did let her sleep with us for a few stretches and then back into her bassinet or crib. It was the only way I could get sleep and work the next day. So she has never started out her night with us, but would wake up with us in the morning. Now that happens very rarely, but when she is sick or wakes up crying at 4:30am there are times she comes in with us and we sleep until 7am.

Posted 5/3/06 9:26 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

I could never do it. She makes so much noise in her sleep that I couldn't keep her in her pack n' play in our room, let alone in our bed! And, she's the world's lightest sleeper, so every little movement wakes her up. We would have been a miserable little family if she slept in bed with us. On occasion, in the morning, on the weekends, if she wakes up but she's groggy, I'll bring her into bed with us...

Posted 5/3/06 9:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Claire has always been a difficult sleeper, and I am not into CIO at all, and since we all needed sleep she did sleep with us for the whole night early on. Now she takes all her naps in her crib and at night sleeps from 9pm-2am in her crib and then the rest of the night with us. Its what works for us for now!

Posted 5/3/06 9:31 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Joseph slept with us on & off until he got his own bed. Maddie would rarely sleep with us. Now when they wake up in the middle of the night or are sick, they wind up in our bed.

My thoughts are - at one point you are going to have a teenager who isn't going to want to be hugged & snuggled. So do whatever works for you & your husband. It won't last forever - cherish it now.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 9:45 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Mallory and Jordan both did in the beginning, but not every night, until they were like 5 months old... then I switched them to the crib, my DH and I need our "time" Chat Icon and everyone sleeps much better!

Posted 5/3/06 10:07 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Jake has been in his crib in his own room since around 1 month old.

My thoughts on the subject are that it was not a habit I wanted to get into with my baby for several reasons including the risks, the affect it has on your marriage/intimacy, and the fact that I hear from soooo many moms that they wish they never started it because it was such a hard habit to break when the kids got older. But I do agree that you have to do whatever works for you. This is what works for us.

Posted 5/3/06 10:14 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Andrew's never slept in our bed through the night, but there were some nights when he was colicky that he slept on my stomach for hours and hours at a time while I lay in bed.

Now, even at 15 months, he comes into bed with us if I have less than an hour before I have to get up and I don't want to try rocking him and putting him back in his crib. Or on the weekends, sometimes I bring him in if he wants to start his day too early!

Posted 5/3/06 10:22 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Posted by BabyAvocado

Jake has been in his crib in his own room since around 1 month old.

My thoughts on the subject are that it was not a habit I wanted to get into with my baby for several reasons including the risks, the affect it has on your marriage/intimacy, and the fact that I hear from soooo many moms that they wish they never started it because it was such a hard habit to break when the kids got older. But I do agree that you have to do whatever works for you. This is what works for us.

Same here! Also I have an 80lb bulldog that sleeps with us so it wouldn't work Chat Icon

Posted 5/3/06 10:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Nate slept in his co-sleeper next to me from birth to 8 months. When we started putting him in his crib, he wouldn't sleep long so DH would bring him to our bed. Now he starts out in his crib at 8pm, wakes up around 3am and DH will bring him into our bed. Right now his crib is in our room bc we had heating issues in his, but now it's warm he's going back to his room (hopefully this weekend). At that time, we will CIO if he wakes up in the middle of the night.

Posted 5/3/06 10:32 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Posted by BlessedBMommi

Same here! Also I have an 80lb bulldog that sleeps with us so it wouldn't work Chat Icon

Chat Icon I know where you're coming from. It's funny, I sometimes say to DH, how is it that our sweet little boy can't sleep in our room with us but the 90lb bull mastiff HAS to? Chat Icon (she's not allowed in our bed though).

Posted 5/3/06 10:44 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

When marissa was an infant she always slept in her bassinet or crib she got to a point a little before a year where she would wake up alot in the middle of the nite so being thatI work I needed my sleep so after the 2nd or third time o f her waking up I would bring her into my bed I then got her a toddler bed and she has been sleeping in it all nite long for a while just recently she will wake up in the middle of the night and come into my room to come into my bed around 4am so I just put her in my bed instead of trying to get her to go back to bed in her bed.

My thoguhts on this is that it won't last forever and they do grow up and want thier own independance so I cherish it all now cuz sooner or later they will be teenagers that dont' want to be hugged and kissed and cuddled.

Also you have to do what you have to do to get your proper rest as well

ETA: She does h ave some nites when she will sleep through the nite in her bed

Message edited 5/3/2006 4:26:37 PM.

Posted 5/3/06 4:25 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Alyson is 4 months old and has been in our bed since pretty much the beginning.

She starts in her crib around 7-8pm and 4-5 hrs later we're so tired of going in there to give the paci back she comes into our bed where she sleeps soundly till anywhere between 4-7am to eat.

DH likes it, I don't mind it but "our time" is compromised....we have to squeeze it in in the early evening when she is in her crib.

Posted 5/3/06 4:39 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

We only let Kevin sleep in our bed if it was after 4am (since we get up at 530 for work we needed some sleep - although he moves around so much we didn't always get better sleep). I think it started maybe around 6 months when his night wakenings got real bad - he was getting up 3-10 times a night.

He started getting into the habit and around 9/10/11 months DH tried to stop it. I would say by 11/12 months he pretty much stopped and now he won't sleep in our bed even if we try and I do miss it at times -although I am much happier to be finally getting some sleep.

Message edited 5/3/2006 9:40:19 PM.

Posted 5/3/06 9:39 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

He did for a couple of weeks. For the first month of his life he would only sleep in the swing, the car seat, or our arms. Finally, when I woke up to DH almost rolling on top of him, I decided it was time for the crib.

Posted 5/3/06 9:51 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Poll: Does your baby sleep in your bed?

Andrew has never slept in our bed. There just isn't room!

There have only been 2 nights (yes, I am lucky as heck!) where he woke up crying and we couldn't get him back to sleep in his crib, so he layed in bed with us. For maybe an hour or two, but as soon as he was asleep, he was put back in his crib and all was fine the rest of the night!

Posted 5/3/06 11:29 PM

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