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When does a prego feel READY for labor?

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what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I'm at a point (36½ weeks) where I feel like labor is nowhere in sight. For example, even though the baby is in head-down position, I don't feel pressure bad enough to make me waddle; I don't feel nauseus; I have full energy (I jet up the stairs of the subway!); My feet/ankles are swollen, but not so bad.
The only complaint I have is in my pelvic/butt area... I get shooting nerve pains every once in a while, but that's about it.

Are there any symptoms that I should keep an eye out for, other than false/true labor ones, that will confirm that I'm getting close?

Posted 5/10/06 9:33 AM
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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I felt like that almost my whole pregnancy. Nothing strange happened until I lost my mucous plug like around a week before I wrnt into labor. I didn't feel any different the day I went into labor. I never had Braxton Hicls contractions that were painful so I kind of knew that the pain I was feeling were the real thing. I wasn't swollen either. I felt great!

Posted 5/10/06 9:39 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I felt that way too, especially after my visit at 38 weeks and my doc told me I had made no progress, even though I had told him I was having bad period cramps. 3 nights later, it just happened, the contractions started and were 10 minutes apart. And she was born a few hours later.

So for me, it was period like cramps fro a day or two, I never lost my mucous plug or broke my water, but once the contractions started, I definitely knew!

Posted 5/10/06 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I was the same way. In fact, I was still walking every night for about 2 miles up until the day I delivered. I had some swelling, but nothing too bad, and I never felt an inordinate amount of pressure (it later turned out that was because Alex was in the wrong position, which ended up causing me to have a c-section!). I felt great in the last few weeks despite the amazement of my co-workers who kept telling me to go home and rest. I didn't have any clue of impending labor until I started losing my mucous plug, and about 2 days later I woke up with seriously intense cramps.

Things to look for - you'll probably start feeling some light cramping, like AF cramps - I've heard from many women that a day or two before labor they start feeling like crap, almost like they have a stomach virus or the flu. Another sign is losing your mucous plug. Many women lose it over a few days so don't be suprised if that happens... Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/06 9:49 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

After having sooooooooo many symptoms throughout the pregnancy, we can't have some true-cut signs that labor is around the corner???? Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I have gotten some AF-like cramps about 4x in the last 2-3 weeks... but they go away pretty quickly. And I haven't had Braxton Hicks... that I know of (does this happen to everyone?). Maybe my body just isn't ready yet... and I'll be one of the 40+ moms on here. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 5/10/2006 10:33:01 AM.

Posted 5/10/06 10:31 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I'm still feeling fine. No swolen ankles or nothing and still coming into work. I do feel some quick sharp pains but they are no big deal and last for 3 seconds and go away. I haven't felt any Braxton Hicks Contracts either. Tonight I go for my sonogram and see what positiong the "Boss Man" is in.

Posted 5/10/06 10:43 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I feel plenty READY for labor, but that doesn't seem to matter one bit to the baby. I'm in the same boat as you, though. No idea what labor will feel like and I'm nervous for the opposite reason. I'm in so much pain and discomfort and it's not even labor yet so I'm afraid of what my delivery will be like. I'm feeling so much pressure down there all the time and these stabbing pains that feel like the baby has an ice pick and is stabbing me in my crotch (sorry TMI). UGH. Can you tell I'm frustrated. Already into my 39th week. Pardon the vent.Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/06 9:11 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

Im about a week behind you and the other night I just felt like I couldnt possibly get any bigger. Of course I can since I have a few weeks left but at night is when I feel the most "done" - during the day Im just too busy running around after my kids. The only thing that was totally similar between my 2 previous labors is that in both cases, I had intense lower back pain. With my son my water broke but with my daughter, I finally realized I wasnt having Braxton Hicks contractions when my lower back (kidney area) was in pain as well. The pressure is normal the last few weeks with the baby continuing to gain wait, even if the head isnt engaged in the pelvis. My baby is heads up and I get that pressure as well.

Message edited 5/10/2006 9:23:48 PM.

Posted 5/10/06 9:21 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

i have a feeling you will go before me!

yesterday i had a couple appointments and Chat Icon is nowhere in sight! she's head down but very high and not engaged. i've had some crampy like symptoms, but no braxton hicks. at 36 weeks and 4 days she measured in at 6 pounds 12 ounces Chat Icon.

Posted 5/11/06 9:02 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

Posted by cloddy

I feel plenty READY for labor, but that doesn't seem to matter one bit to the baby. I'm in the same boat as you, though. No idea what labor will feel like and I'm nervous for the opposite reason. I'm in so much pain and discomfort and it's not even labor yet so I'm afraid of what my delivery will be like. I'm feeling so much pressure down there all the time and these stabbing pains that feel like the baby has an ice pick and is stabbing me in my crotch (sorry TMI). UGH. Can you tell I'm frustrated. Already into my 39th week. Pardon the vent.Chat Icon

That stabby pain sounds like false contractions.... after posting this yesterday, I started feeling some sharp pains below my belly button, and when I asked my doctor about it, she said that was contractions! Chat Icon They came & went, and haven't been back, but I'm soooooooo not looking forward to actual active labor after feeling those! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/06 9:16 AM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I have been getting painful stabbing things also. I also feel so much pressure down below when I walk. I feel like he is going to fall outChat Icon

I hope he comes soon. At last visit, 36 weeks, he was estimated at 7 lbs 8oz.

Message edited 5/11/2006 9:23:04 AM.

Posted 5/11/06 9:19 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

Posted by anon
i have a feeling you will go before me!

yesterday i had a couple appointments and Chat Icon is nowhere in sight! she's head down but very high and not engaged. i've had some crampy like symptoms, but no braxton hicks. at 36 weeks and 4 days she measured in at 6 pounds 12 ounces Chat Icon.

You and I are mirroring each other. At 36 weeks, 2 days, our lil one was weighing 6lbs, 8oz... however, when I went yesterday (36wks, 4dys), my doctor said that I'm not dilated, but that my cervix is softening up. Also, my dr confirmed that I was feeling contractions yesterday (not enough to time, but definitely painful!). Not sure if that means labor is on the immediate horizon, but I don't think I will go way before our due date (which I had hoped)... especially since I hadn't been feeling badly at all (until the pain smacked me clueless yesterday... lol).
Here's to a quick & easy labor! Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/06 9:21 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

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Re: When does a prego feel READY for labor?

I had no major complains with but I did lose my mucus plug exactly 1 week from when I went into labor. The funniest part was that I went to the Dr. that morning and I was feeling a bit weird in the sense that I felt lots of pressure down there and I was getting mild cramping off and on. The Dr. was like Oh no, you're fine -- nothing yet. I went walking around Target, picked up my daughter from school and that night I went into labor so don't fall for what the Dr's say...TRUST me girl, you can open up fairly quickly from morning to midnight......

Best of luck!

Posted 5/11/06 9:37 AM

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