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Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

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Our Family is Complete

Member since 5/05

2774 total posts


Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

okay I have no idea where this came from we planned to TTC in about 2 more years but all of a sudden DH and myself want a baby real soon!!! i dont know where this came from... we've always wanted a baby togther byut lately.. i dont now it's changed... it's more real lately. i can't explain what changed we just threw our plan out the window.... I still want to loose weight before we officially TTC.

MY queston is......... When do you know if the right time to have a baby? we bought a house, have good jobs.... we dont like them but they are good paying, steady reliable jobs. Are we supposed to save $$ first, do people realy do that? we plan to pay off everything next spring when we re-finance, finish the room that will be the nursery, then TTC in next September, and then save $$ while I'm pregnant, i would like to put away the $$ that I would have gotten paid for while I am out on maternity leave?

Is this a good plan or are we insane?

Posted 8/18/05 5:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

Your plan sounds great but you know what they say about plans. I don't think any of us really feel 100% ready to have a baby. It's scary. You have to do what works for you and your dh. I know this doesn't answer your questions but maybe it will help a little bit.

Posted 8/18/05 5:24 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

DH and I really want a baby too- I'll be 31 in October- he is 27.

We are going to start TTC in April- I'd like to try NOW but DH really wants to have more money in the bank....we have a house and both have good jobs- we are still nervous about money though- I started calling day care centers to find how much it would cost for full day infant care three days a week- $300/week! Chat Icon

In the meantime, I'm taking prenatals and trying to eat better! I just want April to get here though!!

Posted 8/19/05 11:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1652 total posts


Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

Its an interesting question, and one I have always fought with. People always tell me "make sure you are ready for a baby, its something that is planned for" and than they always say "you are never TOTALLY ready for a baby". Its the most cripting messages!!!

We thought we would start trying next year, in May but now, I just got accepted to Grad School. This is good AND bad news for me. On one had, I will get to pursue my MBA which will help me in life and career. On the other... I am not getting any younger.Chat Icon People always say to have a baby before 30, and I will be around than... 28. I am so scared that I will have problemsChat Icon

But now, I guess we are going to wait until I finish grad school to have a baby.

Posted 8/19/05 11:13 AM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

On the other... I am not getting any younger.Chat Icon People always say to have a baby before 30, and I will be around than... 28. I am so scared that I will have problemsChat Icon

I know, I'm scared about having problems too....there isn't any reason I should but my mom had LOTS of problems and it just scares me. I told DH that we should try now, because if we wait till April (when I 31 and a half) and have problems the money will just go for IUI or IVFs!! Although, I doubt 9 months will make a difference...but still- they could be the 9 best eggs...Chat Icon

Message edited 8/19/2005 11:17:48 AM.

Posted 8/19/05 11:17 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

My personal opinion is that if you both feel ready than go for it! You never know how long it could take anyway. The main thing is that you both are ready and want a baby. I am happy for you, my DH is no where near ready! LOL

Posted 8/19/05 11:22 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

Posted by christy

My personal opinion is that if you both feel ready than go for it! You never know how long it could take anyway. The main thing is that you both are ready and want a baby. I am happy for you, my DH is no where near ready! LOL

I fully agree with Christy. As you can see from thios board there are many of us who haven't conceived on " the first try". If you are both thinking about it, then.....

Posted 8/19/05 2:43 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

even though right now DH and I are "ready",I don't think you are ever fully "Ready". When I got my BFP in July, I almost fell to the floor in shock, and after the happiness subsided my whole world immediately changed at that moment. Started second guessing everything, Can we really afford it, Do I want to sacrifice my career, Can we afford for me to stay home, would I want to stay home. I cried! I was so scared. A week later I was crying for a different reason, but the next PG I don't know still if we are 100% ready for it.

When we did decide, DH wasn't ready quite yet, I had to wait for him to come around.

Posted 8/19/05 5:34 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Major Baby Fever HERE! When is the right time?

honestly....when you both want it, its time to start thinking seriously about when you want to TTC. It's good you both want it...maybe the doggies make you feel like a "family" and you are ready for the next step.

There is NEVER a truly "perfect" time financially....something will ALWAYS come up (my case in point-DH just got demoted) and you'll always want something to be better than it is now.

If you two feel emotionally ready, then go for it. I know a few mommies are in a 1 BR place, which makes it hard, so maybe making sure you have the physical room for the baby is a good thing to consider.

Good Luck!

Posted 8/19/05 6:38 PM

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