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Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

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My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

With the infant carrier it is easy to pull in and out of the car, but I think with the bigger carseat I should get one for my mil, but I don't know what to get? I want the britax for myself Chat Icon but I can't afford another one so I need ideas for my dh's car and my mil..

Posted 8/31/06 8:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My mother watches our son 4 days aweek. We were able to get a hand me down car seat. Ask around someone maybe a family meber or friend probably has one that is not bieng used anymore.

Posted 8/31/06 8:54 AM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My mom and MIL take turns watching my DS- both of them purchased their own seat...

They wanted to have it "just in case"

and I must say- its come in handy many times!

Posted 8/31/06 8:58 AM

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

Yes they had their own convertible car seats. I have sisters who passed their old car seat to my mom.

Just make sure there were no recalls on it & that it wasn't in a car accident.

Posted 8/31/06 8:58 AM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

Our parents watch DD 4 days a week and we aren't giving them a carseat. I don't expect them to take her anywhere - actually i would prefer they don't drive around with her - but i understand a circumstance can arrive when they might need one.

I do leave my car there when I drop off my daughter so in case of an emergency they can use my car which has the carseat - but I wouldn't want them to have that responsibility.

Posted 8/31/06 8:59 AM

My Everything

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

I don't feel comfortable with anyone else driving my daughter besides myself and DH so my mom comes to our house to watch her but doesn't have a car seat or anything. If she got sick or had to go to the doctor for some reason DH could easily get home. My mom also only watches her 2 days a week. If it was everyday I would probably have to give in and get her a car seat.

Posted 8/31/06 9:10 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My Mom has a hand me down car seat in her car, and it has come in handy a few times. When my ILs watch DD, I prefer them not to drive with her, so they come to our house and do not have a car seat.

Posted 8/31/06 9:15 AM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My sister watches DD 3 days a week and she has a car seat. She is the only person besides me and DH that I feel comfortable with. I feel better that my sister is not stuck home with the baby...they go to the park, the stores, the mall. It is also nice because she drops her off for me sometimes I live in Lake Grove, my sister lives in Miller Place and I work in Holtsville so it is really nice when I can go straight home form work.

Posted 8/31/06 9:16 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

I leave my car at home and take theres when my paretns watch them. We already bought 4 car seats, so I was not buying any more for the grandparents.

Posted 8/31/06 9:49 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My mom has her own convertible car seat. She got it b/c sHe watches DS once and week and my brothers live OOT so it's easier for them with the kids when they fly in to already have a car seat here.

Posted 8/31/06 9:52 AM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

When I started watching my grandson, I bought my own carseat. Makes it so much easier.

Posted 8/31/06 11:00 AM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

When my mom started watching DD we bought a Britax Marathon for her car.

Posted 8/31/06 12:45 PM

My Girls!

Member since 5/05

2688 total posts


Re: Parents that have family members watch their DC on a daily basis do you give them their own carseat?

My in laws bought their own. I would be careful of hand me downs because like Barbara said you don't know if they've been in accidents etc.

You can probably get a "decent" one at costco or even BBB - they just mailed out 20% off coupons not too long ago. Have you thought about "splitting the cost" with them.

I just went though this two days ago. Peyton is moving into the big car seat and Delaney needs to go into a booster seat. Since I work and my husband and I do the "switch" off w/the kids at my job, we had to buy 2 seats. We decided to buy the car seat / booster seat because Delaney will be going into that shortly and it meets her weight requirements. We got last years model and they were $60.00 each and then I had two 20% off coupons.

Good luck!

Posted 8/31/06 1:18 PM
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