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DS is being soooo bad

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DS is being soooo bad

So far 3 1/2 is worse than anythign terrible twos. My normally well behaved pleasant child has become a monster. Yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, throwing things and not listening at all. Right now he is actually grounded. Yes I have grounded my 3 year old. He has been non stop crying for an hour now. I swear the punishment is worse on us.

My DH is sooo frustrated too.

I am trying to put him to bed earlier, enforcing time out when necessary (which he hates) and rewarding good behavior, but it aint working. A few days ago I told him if he didnt behave I was going to throw out his favorite movie and he told me to do it. So I did (at least he thinks so) and he let me. I have tried to reward him with "buying" it again but when I say if you do this you'll get it, he says no thanks. And this is his FAVORITE movie.

Please tell me this passes quickly.
I know there arent many BTDT moms out there. But I need some ideas here. I literally am losing my mind with how unbearable he is. Of course he is still great at the day care and with the sitter but with us Chat Icon .

Posted 6/28/06 8:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

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I haven't been there yet, so I can't share any words of wisdom. Just wanted to send some hugs your way!

Posted 6/28/06 9:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

It might pass by the time he is 4. Sammy was a sweet loving 2 year old , at three he was terrible at times . He turned 4 may 29th and is getting better. The other day we tried to give him a time out though and his response was " No ! four year olds dont get timeouts" Chat Icon

Message edited 6/28/2006 11:25:41 PM.

Posted 6/28/06 11:24 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Posted by rose825

So far 3 1/2 is worse than anythign terrible twos. My normally well behaved pleasant child has become a monster. Yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, throwing things and not listening at all. Right now he is actually grounded. Yes I have grounded my 3 year old. He has been non stop crying for an hour now. I swear the punishment is worse on us.

My DH is sooo frustrated too.

I am trying to put him to bed earlier, enforcing time out when necessary (which he hates) and rewarding good behavior, but it aint working. A few days ago I told him if he didnt behave I was going to throw out his favorite movie and he told me to do it. So I did (at least he thinks so) and he let me. I have tried to reward him with "buying" it again but when I say if you do this you'll get it, he says no thanks. And this is his FAVORITE movie.

Please tell me this passes quickly.
I know there arent many BTDT moms out there. But I need some ideas here. I literally am losing my mind with how unbearable he is. Of course he is still great at the day care and with the sitter but with us Chat Icon .

Okay so I don't have a 3 1/2 year old so I can't promise you time passes quickly...

But my 2 1/2 year old is behaving like I have never seen him before. Same thing with the hitting, screaming, jumping off the dining room table, etc etc. That I can all *DEAL* with. But when I yell at him for it, he cries and pushes his pee out. I have all but strangled him! They say be calm and paitent but I swear he is doing it on purpose b/c there is actual pushing. (He's been fully trained for months)So, it could always be worse!

Posted 6/28/06 11:26 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

I have a 3 1/2 year old son too and all I can say is I'm right there with you, sister. Right there!! I never had the TTs with him and now he is so fresh sometimes...OMG! All-in-all a really good kid but ay-yi-yi Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Someone recommended a book called "1-2-3 Magic" that I recently purchased. Its a slow read and my house has been crazy with a newborn but what I've read, I like. There are so many parenting books out there but this one seems to have some good ideas.

Hang in there - "they" say this passes and you generally get a sweet kid for a few years till they get bigger and give you other kinds of guff.

Posted 6/28/06 11:48 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Posted by rose825

So far 3 1/2 is worse than anythign terrible twos. My normally well behaved pleasant child has become a monster. Yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, throwing things and not listening at all. Right now he is actually grounded. Yes I have grounded my 3 year old. He has been non stop crying for an hour now. I swear the punishment is worse on us.

My DH is sooo frustrated too.

I am trying to put him to bed earlier, enforcing time out when necessary (which he hates) and rewarding good behavior, but it aint working. A few days ago I told him if he didnt behave I was going to throw out his favorite movie and he told me to do it. So I did (at least he thinks so) and he let me. I have tried to reward him with "buying" it again but when I say if you do this you'll get it, he says no thanks. And this is his FAVORITE movie.

Please tell me this passes quickly.
I know there arent many BTDT moms out there. But I need some ideas here. I literally am losing my mind with how unbearable he is. Of course he is still great at the day care and with the sitter but with us Chat Icon .

Chat Icon Miranda started going through this stage, and I was frustrated with it for quite some time. It boiled over after a month or so. Hang in there

Posted 6/29/06 12:45 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

DS isn't even close to being 3 1/2. Just wanted to give some hugs Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/06 6:09 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Posted by Elizabeth

I have a 3 1/2 year old son too and all I can say is I'm right there with you, sister. Right there!! I never had the TTs with him and now he is so fresh sometimes...OMG! All-in-all a really good kid but ay-yi-yi Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Someone recommended a book called "1-2-3 Magic" that I recently purchased. Its a slow read and my house has been crazy with a newborn but what I've read, I like. There are so many parenting books out there but this one seems to have some good ideas.

Hang in there - "they" say this passes and you generally get a sweet kid for a few years till they get bigger and give you other kinds of guff.

I'll have to check this out. Thanks everyone, the Chat Icon help. I actually got him calm and to sleep an hour earlier than usual. He slept better than he usually does so I am hoping he will wake up like my old child today.


Posted 6/29/06 7:14 AM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: DS is being soooo bad

Hey Pauline,
Nicholas went through THE SAME EXACT THING!!! Still knows how to push my buttons now at 4 and a half, but NOTHING like a year ago. He was beastly (I know, hard to imagine...but true). Hitting, screaming, ignoring...I would go to sleep with a sore throat from all the screaming. It is a phase, thank God. I don't know if it's a growth spurt, or they feel like sowing their little oats...whatever it is, take a deep breath because it eventually passes.
Once Nicholas went to school and saw in other children what he was doing to me day in and day out, it stopped. He would come home and tell me that so and so was screaming and giving the teacher a hard time. I told him that's what he did to me all summer. He said he was sorry...and I'm not kidding...he stopped. Little infractions here and there, but NOTHING like the tantrums.

So hold on...relief is on the way. We'll schedule some playdates and all will be good!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/06 8:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

It's def a phase and the worst part for me is that I would have his brother IMITATING him so I had to crazy, wild kids, while my daughter would look on like who are those two? lol Chat Icon Chat Icon All I can say is to hang in there and it will pass..Just stick to your guns mom and try and keep your cool (always the hard part, I know! lol)

Editted to say that time-outs are also meant for parents.. So when you put your child in TO, you too get some time to relax and re-group. Chat Icon

Message edited 6/29/2006 8:53:37 AM.

Posted 6/29/06 8:43 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Caiden gets like this A LOT and he's not even 2.5. I wish I could give you some advice, but I need some myself!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/06 9:13 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Oh Pauline, I'm sorry DS is being a bit bratty! I'm not a BTDT Mom but wanted to send Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/06 9:17 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: DS is being soooo bad

Posted by MrsJ

Oh Pauline, I'm sorry DS is being a bit bratty! I'm not a BTDT Mom but wanted to send Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

a bit bratty is sooo politeChat Icon

he woke up in a better mood today. DH said its like night and day. I hope its a sleep deprivation probem, that I can try and do something about.

Thanks everyone.

Posted 6/29/06 11:48 AM

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