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Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

OK- So every since RJ turned 3 months, he started spitting up.....It started off only sometimes, and now its pretty much every feeding... Its RARELY alot... but sometimes it is...and now he even spits up after getting his solids...

He never displays pain... he could care less he's spitting up and no matter what he gains 1.5-2lbs a month...

My PED and I have discussed this many times.... he thinks RJ could have a little AR- but now bad enough where there is anything we could really do about it...

He thinks RJ eats too fast (which he does) and because he's always bouncing around...this is what causes the spit up(I mean his last bottle at night, he never spits up...) Since RJ is gaining and not in any discomfort (not while eating, not after eating, not ever) he's not too concerned.....

My ped. suggested burping every oz (which does help) and keeping him in an upright position for 20 min. after he eats... (this helps too) but sometimes Ryan just isnt having it....He also said that I could thicken his formula with a little cereal, but when I tried this...the nipples kept getting clogged...and it was more hassle than it was helpful...He also said if I wanted too I could change his formula (but since Ryan had gas issues when I stopped BFing, and since the soy actually worked....Im kinda scared to switch)

Im just so tired of changing clothes 13 million times a day, and I get worried that with all the spitting up he does he might be damaging his esphogus....

I will say teething has effected this hugely.... the days I notice he's munching more, or extra drooly, its the worst.... and on the days he shows not care about his teeth... he may not even spit up....

I just dont know what to do.... take him to a specialist, go for a 2nd opinion, switch formula, or just keep doing what Im doing... I mean he's happy- do I wanna mess with it?

I thought children grow outta AR... not into it Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 9:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

If he's not showing any signs of pain honestly I wouldn't do anything. Medication does NOTHING for the spitting up you just learn to live with it.
Mirands seems to have grown out of the pain part, we're not medication her right now but she still spits up constantly, solids included.
Some days are better than others but I have just accepted that its probably going to take until she's 9m to a year for it to totally resolve itself since that's what most AR BTDT moms have told me. We have about 50 bibs and use them all. Luckily the bibs catch most of it so we're not constantly changing clothes.
Its a real PITA and some days I just want to scream but for the most part you just learn to live with it. Miranda spits up anywhere from 10-30 times a day. Chat Icon We rarely go through a feeding without a spit up. We just travel with tons of bibs and burp cloths. Sorry you have to deal with this. I know it s*cks.

Posted 3/12/06 1:51 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

I went through this with Cassidy. No pain or discomfort, just lots of mess and always smelling like formula.
Once she hit 8 mos. and it was still happening, my ped. recommended me to a pediatric gastro. He prescribed Zantac, and it did NOTHING, but once I stopped it, the spitting up stopped. I guess she just outgrew it. My ped. said they USUALLY out grow it by 6 mos.

Hang in thereChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 1:58 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

The same thing happened to Antonio around 4 months. The pediatrician rec a specialist and we went. She suggested the cereal in the bottle which helped a lot. She told us that everybody has reflux if they eat too much but that it is rare for a baby to develop GERD at this age. SHe told us that because he was now eating more his body did not have time to digest the volume of food. The cereal helped fill him up without the volume.

Two things I notice now that he started eating solids.
1-If I give him a vegetable alone (they are very watery) he will spit it up evertime he lays on his belly. Even 4 hours later. (HIs sheets were orange one day from the carrots)
SO I give him a spoon of veg then a spoon of cereal...what a difference. It thickens it up enough to prevent that watery spit up.

2-I usually give him dinner (veg and cereal) at 5. Yesterday I was out so I just gave him a 6 ounce bottle. He then had his 8 bedtime bottle. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! I guess he could not handle all that liquid is his belly, he was spitting up pools of formula for 3-4 hours later.

HTHChat Icon

BTW-I never had a problem with the cereal cloggin. I use the Y cut and i put 1-2 teaspoons per ounce.

Posted 3/12/06 5:21 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Opinions please... (ESP AR moms)

Kevin is a MAJOR spitter-upper! When he was younger we'd go through three changes of PJs at night becasue he would just keep spitting up as we changed him for bed.

Kevin did get diagnosed with GERD and was put on Axid. That did help with the spit ups and now the spit ups are usually just a bit of a trickle on his chin.

I think he is going to be on the end of the bell curve for spitting up and I hope he outgrows it soon.

Some babies are heavy spitters and its really more of a laundry issue than a medical one.
As long as your little one is gaining and not in any pain, just get lots of bibs and burpy cloths and get ready to do A LOT of laundry!

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Posted 3/12/06 7:07 PM

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