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HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

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HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

i am VERY upset about a certain someone overstepping my parenting right in front of me as well as in front of other people....please tell me how you have handled this without causing a fight and other than saying "my child my rules" trying to be prepared if and when this happens again.

Posted 4/4/06 10:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

Posted by Chicken92305

i am VERY upset about a certain someone overstepping my parenting right in front of me as well as in front of other people....please tell me how you have handled this without causing a fight and other than saying "my child my rules" trying to be prepared if and when this happens again.

I would pull them off to the side and make it crystal clear so it doesn't happen again. And if they're a close relative, than they are jeopardizing their future dealings with my kids.

Basically I cut people off at the knees for things like that, so it's never happened.

Posted 4/4/06 10:54 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

definitely talk to this person, they need to realize YOU are the parent and not them.

if they don't listen, then it's time to cut your losses.

Posted 4/4/06 11:01 PM

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

Posted by Aliasmom

definitely talk to this person, they need to realize YOU are the parent and not them.

if they don't listen, then it's time to cut your losses.

Unless it's the dad. Then you're in for a looonnggg talk...
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Posted 4/4/06 11:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

684 total posts


Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

nope its not dad LOL...but its a family member

Posted 4/4/06 11:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

Posted by Chicken92305

nope its not dad LOL...but its a family member

I guess I would let it go if it was a close family member until it got to the point where it was more rude than "trying to be helpful" but thats me... I am a scardey cat around family sometimes.

Posted 4/11/06 10:03 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

Well if its Fh family I usally say something to him about it and let him deal with it if its mine then I would say something .

Well I did say something to MIL this past weekend she was constantly giving my daughter junkfood all day and when it was time to eat she didn't want to so I said what did she eat all day MIl told me all the junk and I said no wonder she doens't want to eat I don't give h er all that junk please don't give it to her again.

Another time with my mom she was biting and I would just tap her mouth and tell her no bite it was just a little tap to get her attention and thatwas that she wouldn't cry or anything my mom told me I shouldn' t do that I said well I aint gonna keep letting her bite me and this seems to be working cuz she aint biting as much

sprry didn't mean to Hijack but hope this helped a bit

Posted 4/12/06 4:16 PM

boy mamma

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

I have had this happen with Dh family and have said nothing in order to keep the peace BUT I try to limit the time my child spends with them. Its their loss. Usually if its something big my Dh will say something- Dh has a way of saying things that doesnt hurt others feelings no matter what he says- I unfortunately do not and usually come off as attacking and then its usually a bigger issue than it needs to be- overall though, Im the parent and I get to decide where my child spends his time...

Message edited 4/12/2006 4:25:56 PM.

Posted 4/12/06 4:23 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

Ok I'll let you in on an example of cutting off at the knees.

MIL was feeding my kids cookies, brownies & pudding...ALL IN ONE DAY. She had been asked numerous times in the past not to do it. We've had long talks about obesity in children, how obesity runs in DH's family (he is overweigh now too).

She wrote an email about how upset she was about not being able to give our son pudding, he shouldn't be on a diet at the age of 2, we should talk to a pediatrician, etc. Then she added a part about DH gaining weight only since he's been married.

DH BEGGED me not to write a response. But I told him I wouldn't have if she didn't copy me on the email. I wrote that DH's bad eating habits were established in childhood. He eats cookies until the whole box is gone. DH is eating himself into an early grave and that frankly I blame her & his long standing eating habits. Let's just say, now she asks.

Posted 4/12/06 4:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

I've said it to my sister a 100 times. I am their mother what I says goes!! Why anyone thinks they can make the rules for someone elses children is beyond me.

Posted 4/12/06 4:33 PM

Making big changes

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Re: HELP...what do u do when someone oversteps your parenting views right in front of your face!

No matter how you do it, you've got to let them know how you feel or it will just keep on happening. I've had to say it to my mother a bunch of times...

Posted 4/12/06 6:51 PM
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