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Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

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Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I dont know what it is... but other than just loving him to pieces...I just dont wanna share him...

When people come over to visit...I never offer to let them hold him, and when the ask I so badly wanna say no...

I insist on doing everything myself... no matter how tired i am at night... I want to be the one who gets up with him...

And most importantly...the bottle of pumped BM- I refuse to let anyone (other than DH) feed him... The way I see it- since he is BF feeding time is something special for only us to share...I feel it should be the same way even when I give him a bottle...

No one has asked to feed him his bottle yet...but then again, the times hes been fed if someone was around he was nursed...

DH sister is coming here this weekend therefore my MIL will be here as well... and I know that they'll be around for at least one bottle feeding... and I want my answer to be no... Is this selfish?

I just dont wanna share him...come visit all you want but look but dont touch... Please tell me Im not the only one who feels (or felt this way)

Posted 10/14/05 12:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I can understand how you would feel that way, but I have to say that I felt differently. I could not wait for my Mom and other immediate family members to hold him and be able to feed him - it made them so happy. But, more than that, it gave me a break! Chat Icon I practically begged DH to get up in the night if he woke up!!

Posted 10/14/05 12:11 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

yes I am totally like this- my il's always complain on how they never get to hold him- but tooo bad Chat Icon This is my son and he's only going to be young once and for only a short time so I try to think of it that way.

Sometimes I worry that he wont be social but I dont think so. Now at 4 months he has developed a special bond with me and prefers to be with me- I have to say that I love it! I have dreamed of this moment all my life and Im relishing in it-- poo poo to whoever says different.

Posted 10/14/05 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I can understand completly. I had a wedding to go to this past Sunday night at Russo's on the Bay (I have been dying to go to a wedding there). We didn't go. I didn't want to leave her with my SIL, I wanted to stay home with her.

How are you feeling Marissa???

Posted 10/14/05 12:13 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

The only one I dont mind sharing with (aside from DH) is my mom... With my dad having just left to go overseas...I feel she needs my boy to keep her spirits up!

Other than that.. DH had these 1st 2 weeks off..and I think I only asked himt to get up twice at night... and that was at first because I was still sore from my matter how tired I am...its gotta be me..

Posted 10/14/05 12:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

How about when it's time to feed your baby, you go into another room and tell everyone that you're going to feed him. I think they can respect your privacy and obviously they can't feed him...
Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 12:19 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

Posted by 2003fallwedding

I can understand completly. I had a wedding to go to this past Sunday night at Russo's on the Bay (I have been dying to go to a wedding there). We didn't go. I didn't want to leave her with my SIL, I wanted to stay home with her.

How are you feeling Marissa???

I feeling pretty good... Even that tiny bit of soreness is starting to wear off... Def. not as bad as I thought a c-section would be!

I totally see about leaving her... My MIL has been pushing me out the door... everyday she calls telling me how I need to go out with DH alone and i need to let her babysit... Its so annoying..

So a few days ago DH wanted to make a trip to walmart and asked if I wanted to go with front of my mil.. she want on and on..about how im too attached and I need fresh air... SO I went out...for only an hour... I cried the ENTIRE TIME....

Besides the fact that my baby is so little...and needs me right now..I did just have surgery, and walking around walmart was not necessary!!

Needless to say this was the last time Im leaving him for a LONG time!

Posted 10/14/05 12:20 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

Posted by Stefanie

How about when it's time to feed your baby, you go into another room and tell everyone that you're going to feed him. I think they can respect your privacy and obviously they can't feed him...
Chat Icon

Yea they cant feed him when Im nursing... Im talking about when I feed him BM in a bottle...

and my mil follows me when I go to nurse-get this because she feels that its dangerous and she wants to make sure hes really eating since we cant measure it the way you would formual...hence all my insane BFing questions lately...

But shes a whole other story in itselfChat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 12:22 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I can totally relate on this one! I feel like if people want to help they can do the laundry, wash the bottles, clean up a bit, take out the trash, things like that since it's hard for me to get that all done when I'm giving her my 100% attention.

Posted 10/14/05 12:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

Posted by Princessmaris

Posted by Stefanie

How about when it's time to feed your baby, you go into another room and tell everyone that you're going to feed him. I think they can respect your privacy and obviously they can't feed him...
Chat Icon

Yea they cant feed him when Im nursing... Im talking about when I feed him BM in a bottle...

and my mil follows me when I go to nurse-get this because she feels that its dangerous and she wants to make sure hes really eating since we cant measure it the way you would formual...hence all my insane BFing questions lately...

But shes a whole other story in itselfChat Icon

Chat Icon your MIL being in the room with you...she can tell how much milk is coming out of your breast? I would just tell her...please, I'd like some privacy.

Posted 10/14/05 1:40 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I don't share either!!! And I'm so bad w/ spending time w/ him that I don't answer the phone or invite anyone over!Chat Icon He's ALLLL mine!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 1:41 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

It's amazing how people really just don't realize how much you want to spend time alone with your baby. I feel bad for my husband because he works all day and wants to just hold her and take care of her when he gets home, but that's when everyone decides to show up. Hopefully in afew weeks it'll die down. I'm trying my best, when I feel like there are too many people around, to just give them jobs around the house to do, so they feel useful but I still get to be with my girl.

Posted 10/14/05 1:52 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I wanted to be with marissa 100% but I did need a break here and there so I was happy when my mom came and visited she would clean and do things around the house but she would also make sure I got some sleep even if I didn't want to sleep I felt like I was little again and being sent to my room as a punishment but it was good.

I didn't like when MIL came though she is a pain and would lecture me 24/7 but thats a different story

Posted 10/14/05 1:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I felt the same way but eventually I changed the way thought. I realized that Ava was the first "baby" in our family for just about 15 years and they were all just so excited over her.

Once I let everyone hold her and spoil her it made me realize that everyone loved her just as much as I did. It made me feel so happy to know that DH and I gave everyone something to celebrate. Now I get to enjoy her from a different perspective (plus I do enjoy the break!!).

I think b/c I let so many people hold her she will go to anyone she sees - she is such a social butterfly, its hysterical. I could be wrong and it could just be her personality. At the end of the day she prefers me over anyone else, including DH.

I do cringe when my MIL has her as I have my issues with her but I have to realize its her grand-daughter and I can't deny her being a part of Ava's life.

Posted 10/14/05 2:33 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I was the same way and I had a difficult time, because EVERYBODY wanted to see him after he was born. DH's Grandfather passed away the day after Christopher was born, so most of his family was here for the funeral. Christopher was a way for them to take their mind of off of his death, so they would come over in droves and take turns holding him and while I was glad that Christopher was helping ease their sorrow, it made me SOOOOO mad, because I wanted to spend alone time with him.

Message edited 10/14/2005 5:05:42 PM.

Posted 10/14/05 5:04 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

Yes I am the same way. I hardly let anyone hold her besides DH. I am sure in time it will pass but right now it's hard to share her.

Posted 10/14/05 5:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is/was anyone else OBSESSED with there newborn?

I could have written this post. I thought it was just me and that I was crazy! My DH is totally opposite and thinks we should share her all the time! Luckily my Mom knows how I am and completely respected it and I never felt defensive so I didn't have a problem 'sharing' Claire with her when I needed a break. But my in-laws are a whole other story, very pushy and controlling about everything and unfortunately made me so defensive and protective that it took a while to for me to be able to even let them near her! She is 10 months old now and just this week was the first time I let my IL's babysit her ever.

I am so happy to hear I am not alone! It is such a special time that goes by so quickly, you just want to enjoy every second and make the most of it!

Posted 10/14/05 5:19 PM

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