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Newborn sleeping question

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Newborn sleeping question

Connor is 2 weeks old. I'm trying to do things differently, or at least hope too than I did with Caiden since he was up every night every 1.5-2 hrs for over 8 months.

I use the bassinet in the pack n play for Connor to sleep in at night, well at least I'm trying to. He won't sleep in it until around 4:00am every morning. I try from 10pm every night with it dark and he just fusses and starts crying. But as soon as it's 3-4am he'll sleep in it? Chat Icon Up until then he will only sleep and not cry or fuss if I'm holding him of course or in his bouncer. Does anyone know why he won't sleep in it earlier in the night?

I would really like to start introducing a bedtime somewhat, which with a newborn I don't know how, or maybe you just can't until they're 6 weeks and older? I know he's just going to sleep, wake up and eat and sleep again right now, but what can I do about the bedtime to start introducing it?

He does sleep a lot during the day so I'm sure that doesn't help.

I would just like for him to be able to sleep in the bassinet earlier so I can sleep in my bed instead of the couch.


Posted 9/27/06 12:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Newborn sleeping question

What I found that helped was to make her naps and her bedtime completely different. She would nap only in the pack n play in the livingroom or in her swing or her bouncy and I would continue on with my day around her, but night time was business only. No talking, feedings in the dark, only change her diaper if she needed it and she went straight into the crib. I honestly feel this has something to do with the fact that by a few weeks old, she was sleeping through the night. He may still have his days and nights mixed up.

Posted 9/27/06 1:10 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Newborn sleeping question

Message edited 2/8/2007 7:53:42 PM.

Posted 9/27/06 1:20 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: Newborn sleeping question

I think every baby is different and it isn't what you do it really is the baby.

DS was in his crib both at night and for all naps from day one. He was and still is the best sleeper I know.

Posted 9/27/06 1:23 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: Newborn sleeping question

They say they cannot differentiate day from night until 6 weeks so it might be fruitless to try to impose a bedtime now.

Posted 9/27/06 1:53 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

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Re: Newborn sleeping question

When I was in the hospital, my roomate mentioned that with her 1st child they couldn't get her to sleep and after much trial and error they realized she needed a light on. The nursery in the hospital (at Winthrop) is bright full on lights. So she basically said that they had to start with a light on and gradually over days/weeks? moved the baby further away and dimmed the light until the baby was able to sleep in the dark.

I don't know why I remembered her saying this, but I do this with my son. He's 9 days old and I have a 3 level touch lamp and dimming hallogen lamp in our bedroom where he sleeps and naps in his bassinet. Don't know if it's making any difference or what but I definitely want to start him napping in other places too so the transition to the crib won't be too hard. HTH

Posted 9/27/06 3:08 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: Newborn sleeping question

DD is 8 weeks old & was a terrible sleeper in the beginning. at 6 weeks, things got much better. she now sleeps from about 10 to about 4 or 5 am, but only in her swing. can't seem to get her into the crib- we've tried everything- the aquarium, lights on, lights off, music on & off, swaddle, no swaddle. now we're elevating the mattress by putting pillows underneath it.

i really can't complain because she sleeps over 6 hours straight some nights (only gets up for one feeding a night now), but i'd really really like her to start sleeping in her crib, not the swing. but she just wakes up & cries after a few minutes in the crib. but i try to get her in there every time i put her down- i'm sure she'll take to it eventually. i keep the swing in her bedroom so she only sleeps in there.

have you tried putting the bouncy seat in your baby's room & letting the baby sleep in there? i position the video monitor towards the swing so i can see her.

Posted 9/27/06 8:36 PM

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