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Did your baby's eyes change color?

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Did your baby's eyes change color?


Posted 1/4/06 4:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

I heard what ever color they are after 5 mths is the color they will be. Julia was born with blue eyes and they started to change around 3 months and now they are green, shes 6 mths now.

Posted 1/4/06 4:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

My daughter was born with blue eyes. She's 22 months now and so far they are still blue.
I have heard that they can change after a few years. We have friends who have a daughter and her eyes were so blue and then I saw her for her second birthday and they are now green. I asked the pediatrician when they usually change by and he didn't even know.

Posted 1/4/06 9:14 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Bryan has had Bluish/ brown eyes since birth-- they are blue and a little brown by the pupil-- I dont know if this means they will eventually turn to Brown he is 6.5 months-- sometimes theyeven look green and hazel too-- they are very unique eyes at this point!

Posted 1/4/06 9:31 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Jake was born with bluish-grey eyes and they were brown by about 1.5 months. I'm pretty sure they are staying brown, he's almost 6 months.

Posted 1/4/06 10:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Sami was born w/ blue eyes they changed about three weeks later to the color she has now. I think they do not have their true /staying color till nine months but sometimes sooner.

Posted 1/4/06 10:11 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Ryan is 3 months and his eyes ARE SOOO BLUE.... Ill be surprised if they change to anything but green (blue and green eyes are the only color eyes on both sides of the family)

Posted 1/4/06 10:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Patricks changed (not sure when) he has brown/green specks in his blue eyes. His pediatrician told me he has Hazel Blue eyes. I never knew there was such a color.Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 11:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Jared was born with blue eyes and they are still the same. I have brown and DH has hazel. My grandfather had blue and DH's father has blue-green...I guess that's where he got them from.

Posted 1/5/06 12:31 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Joseph's eyes changed gradually...first he had dark blue...then grayish to hazel. Hazel was about 11 mos or so.

Maddie's eyes went from very dark sapphire color to dark brown at about 2-3 mos.

Message edited 1/5/2006 6:45:10 AM.

Posted 1/5/06 6:43 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Nick's eyes were blue for the 1st 6-7 months, then they turned more greenish, then hazel, and by 10-11 months they were brown.

Posted 1/5/06 7:50 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

My ped told me that they would be their permanent color at 18 months old.

Posted 1/5/06 8:32 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Alex had blue eyes when he was born, now at 9 months they are green.

Posted 1/5/06 8:43 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Kevin was born with blue and they got very blue at one point. Little but little they turned more green/hazel (more around 6-8 months). Now at 11 months - he has mood ring eyes - they change colors all the time. Some days they are blue, some green and some hazel even now and then brown - they are very cool. DH and I both have brown eyes so I expect eventually they will turn brown permanently. Early on the dr thought his blue eyes were keepers since they were so blue.

Posted 1/5/06 9:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did your baby's eyes change color?

Claire was born with blue eyes and they have gradually turned to a hazel with brown specs and very faint blue around the edges, they seem to change depending on the light and color she is wearing. She is 12 months and I have a feeling the color will keep changing for a while. I think around 18 months the color is most likely permanent.

Posted 1/5/06 10:04 AM

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