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I hate when this happens

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Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


I hate when this happens

A very good friend of mine who is PG had her u/s done and found out she's having a boy (what they wanted!) She's telling me how she's finally starting to look PG and how the baby is moving so much. I truly am sooo happy and excited for them...but when I hung up I started to cry. I feel like she had everything so easy. She got PG on the first try, she wanted a boy and got a boy, etc.

I hate feeling "jealous" or "envy" whatever you want to call it. It makes me feel like I'm a bad person or not a good friend. Why do we have to feel this way on top of all the other emotions we have to deal with. I don't know why I'm so incredibly emotional lately. I'm generally not even this bad when I pms.

Thanks for letting me talk!!

Posted 2/24/06 12:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

505 total posts


Re: I hate when this happens

it doesnt make us bad people because we want something so desperately that our emotions just take over. most of us have been here for a while and know what a struggle it is every month. i have never been so emotional in my life

Posted 2/24/06 12:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

241 total posts


Re: I hate when this happens

Awww.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I know how you feel.. I'm not the jealous type but I want to be Preggo NOW! I can't even bring myself to lurk on the pregnancy board.

If just one more person tells me "relax,you want it too badly,it'll never happen unless you relax" I think I'll sock'em!

Posted 2/24/06 1:00 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: I hate when this happens

OMG- I've been feeling the same way- jealous, sad, angry- most of all scared! I want it now and I just have this bad feeling it will take a long time......

Posted 2/24/06 1:03 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I hate when this happens

i think that its perfectly natural for women to feel this way...I hope youre time will come very soon...and you can start to rub it in our faces....Chat Icon Chat Icon

~~~~~Baby Dust~~~~~

Posted 2/24/06 1:29 PM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Re: I hate when this happens

I know how you feel. My best friend of 30 years is now PG with her second after NOT trying for 6 years.

It's hard, buy I know I have to be there for her. I just hated when she told me "Don't will happen when God wants it to happen, not when you want it to". Gee, exactly what I wanted to hear (not). In the back of my mind, I feel like she doesn't want me to be PG at the same time.

Sorry I vented on your topic....I needed to get that out.

Posted 2/24/06 1:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

325 total posts


Re: I hate when this happens

Posted by andri

Awww.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I know how you feel.. I'm not the jealous type but I want to be Preggo NOW! I can't even bring myself to lurk on the pregnancy board.

If just one more person tells me "relax,you want it too badly,it'll never happen unless you relax" I think I'll sock'em!

I hate when people tell me to relax. I get it all the time.

Posted 2/24/06 4:40 PM

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