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I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

Like, I don't know I'm hungry until I'm absolutely famished, then I feel sick to my stomach, so I think I shouldn't eat, but then I realize I'm sick to my stomache because I need to eat. It's the same thing everyday. I just can't get a read on myself. I know that sounds weird, but it's like, ok, feeling nauseous doesn't always mean I'm sick. That's not normal to me. I'm just all out of whack. I don't know I'm tired, either, until I'm ready to pass out. It's like things just hit me.

Posted 12/18/05 10:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

I get the same way with hunger/nausea. I try to make sure I have a small snack before I start to feel sick, even if I don't feel that hungry yet.

Posted 12/18/05 11:02 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

Yeah, I need to get myself to do that. I've lost a lot of weight the past week and a half because I cannot bring myself to eatChat Icon I don't have an appetite. It's not m/s, but just not feeling hungry and getting full right away when I do eat.

Posted 12/18/05 11:16 AM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

Sometimes you may think you have m/s because your blood sugar is so low and it is that you are really hungry.. I had m/s until 5 1/2 months but sometimes it was just low blood sugar.. You may not be hungry one minute then literally a second later if you don't get food you may kill someone, at least this happened to me.. The hormones don't help..

Posted 12/18/05 11:34 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

Welcome to pregnancy! Chat Icon That's one thing I noticed right away was there was no I'm a "little" hungry or a "little" tired. It's just BANG! You're ravenous and you're exhausted!

So don't blame you not being able to read yourself, because it's probably not that. It's just that when you get hungry when you are pg, it's like no other hunger you've ever felt!

I guess that's why they say try to eat a little something every 3 hours or so. Chat Icon

Posted 12/19/05 9:10 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

I'm at the stage now where I just don't feel hungry a lot of the time (which is SO unlike me!) but I keep track of how many calories a day I eat, and force myself to eat a little something, even if I'm not hungry.
I take a bunch of small snacks with me to work, and every couple of hours I eat something. Eating small meals helps to keep me from feeling crappy......

Posted 12/19/05 9:14 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: I have such a hard time reading myself these days.

Posted by BabyAvocado

Welcome to pregnancy! Chat Icon

That's exactly what I was going to say!!! I went through the same thing... the further you get into the pregnancy the more you learn about what you want...and figure out how much you can eat without feeling sick, etc..

Posted 12/19/05 9:24 AM

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