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Crib toys.

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

752 total posts


Crib toys.

I feel so bad I just took out the crib bumper as I found him with his face in the corner the other day and he started to roll over. Now he keeps looking where the chicken (farm animal print) was and I don't know what I can put in its place. Does anyone have any recommendations what to put in the crib. I have to put something its so sad he just stares at where the chicken should be.

ETA: Does anyone own the fisher price aquarium, what is your opinion..I have read mixed reviews.

Message edited 8/24/2005 6:34:53 PM.

Posted 8/24/05 4:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

107 total posts


Re: Cribs

that is so sad! do you have the fisher price aquarium?

Posted 8/24/05 4:57 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Cribs

I heard they make breathable bumbers, but I don't know if they make them with patterns. But maybe you can get a mirror, FP aquarium or activity toy that hangs from the rail.

Posted 8/24/05 4:58 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Maybe the Fisher-Price Kick and Learn Piano? It has animals on it and it's very colorful.

Posted 8/24/05 6:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Awww!!! My son still has his bumper AND mobile and he is almost 2!! He is my last and I just can not part with the fact that he is not a baby (even though he really is).
I also agree with the aquarium. I never had one but my sister did and my nephew liked it.

Posted 8/24/05 8:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

373 total posts

Mom of 2

Re: Crib toys.

we took my sons bumper out when he learned how to stand. He woke up every 20 mins wacking his head on the rails so we put it back in that same night. But what we did was pull it down between the mattress and the crib so that it isnt as high so he cant step on it to get out of the crib.

They do sell breathable ones if you wanted to get a new one:

Posted 8/24/05 9:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

528 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

My Samantha loved the FP aquariam, however, I took it out about two months ago when she pulled it downChat Icon

we now keep it on the floor, she still plays w/ it.

Posted 8/24/05 9:48 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Sarah has the aquarium on her crib, and she likes to watch the fish, but she doesn't really play with the starfish or clam.

She has this one also and LOVES it! Every morning I hear "Hello Brainy Baby, it's time to play!" through the monitor. She'll play for 30 minutes before she starts whining for me to come in there and change her diaper and feed her.

Brainy Baby crib toy

External Image

Posted 8/24/05 9:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

I have the aquarium.. Logan loves it! When are you supposed to take out the bumpers? his are still in.

Posted 8/24/05 10:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

752 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

I just bought the leap frog touch and tug cloth book that attaches to the crib, I wanted something soft that he can play with.

Posted 8/24/05 10:29 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

I just got the aquarium the other day. I haven't put the batteries in yet though so I'll let you know!

Posted 8/24/05 10:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Nick LOVES the aquarium!!

Posted 8/25/05 8:29 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Kevin loves his kick and play piano. I shut it off at night but I hear him tapping away on it each morning even though it isn't making music. He was using it since he was 3 months old.

I have the aquarium but never put it in the crib because the way my crib was - it never seemed level and I am afraid of it falling. I place it in the crib in a far corner for the sounds at night when we won't go to sleep and take it out after he falls asleep.

Message edited 8/25/2005 10:25:00 AM.

Posted 8/25/05 10:24 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

I stil haven't taken the bumpers out of my daughters crib I don't want to face the fact that she is getting older but I also keep them in cuz she moves all overthe place when she sleeps plus she likes to snuggle up to them at nite

I have the fisher price aquarium and she loves it

Posted 8/25/05 11:16 AM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

1134 total posts


Re: Crib toys.

Jillian has the bumpers on also It keeps her from bumpig her head. I have the aquarium and Jillian LOVES it it I also have External Image

and it puts a little movie show on the ceiling.. it is my life saver when i took her mobile down

Posted 8/25/05 3:14 PM

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